Chapter 6-The Skeletons hidden in my closet

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Waking up early was easy, especially sense I usually got up at around 4:30am. Without worrying about ghosts waking me up it was easier to rest at night, but harder to sleep through the night because I am a very light sleeper (Thank you ghosts.) When I woke up I found a new book on top of the one Clockwork gave me earlier also written in Ghost. It was titled, The Trials and their History. Opening it I started devouring the words on the pages. I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't even realize Hermione enter the room until she stood behind me trying to understand the words on the page.

"What language are you reading in?"

"The daughter language of latin and greek." (True)

"I've heard of that language.  Could you teach me to read this too?" 

"Maybe later."(aka never) 

"Oh, Ok. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Could I have a pomegranate please?"


As she left the room I realized how bizarre my breakfast order was. Pomegranates were a known fruit of the dead (in greek beliefs) and one of life (Jewish beliefs). Sam would have loved the irony.


We stood in front of the fireplace getting the floo powder to go to Diagon Alley.  Even though I understood the principles of floo powder traveling, I didn't like the idea. Hermione went first re-explaining it to her parents. After all, they were muggles.

As we arrived one by one, I stunned to see so many wizards. Following the Grangers to Gringotts they exchanged their pounds for wizard money. I walk up to one of the goblins and asked to make a withdrawal.

"Name please."

"Danial Work."

"Key please"

I handed him the key I found in my hand just then. (Thank you Clockwork)

"Follow me please." Allowing the Grangers to follow me into the cart it speed off at an unbelievable speed, but I could fly faster than this so it was nice to move this fast without my own power behind the speed. When we arrived at my vault I was stunned by the detailed designs on the door reminding me of the ghost zone with its green sheen. In the center instead of a key hole was a blank panel. Walking up to it I put my hand on the panel and I felt it read my aura. After a moment the whole door glowed green the designs started moving revealing a second door, this one was detailed like the frozen skies of the Far Frozen with a blue tinge. The middle had the key hole, putting the key I had found in my hand earlier (It was silver with blue and green gems on it) in the key hole, the door glowed blue and opened. What I saw inside left me speechless. There were piles upon piles of wizard money, jewelry, and other priceless items.

Finding a box in the corner I walked over to it. It was narrow and long. It was black with a green bow and note that read,

Dear Daniel,

This is for you, open when you are alone. It will help when you during your years at Hogwarts. Note, there is a reason behind your acceptance to Hogwarts. Don't forget about your meeting with your new guardian is tomorrow. I know you will be surprised.


Putting the note in my pocket, grabbing the box and a pouch full of coins (maily the gold ones) we left the vault and went back to surface. Leaving Hermione with money to pay for my new books too, I left to get fitted for my new robes.

Heading into Madam Malkins I got fitted in the lightest black robes I could find. Finding a nice pair of dragon scale gloves I bought 2 robes and their proper undergarments and the pair of gloves. Seeing Hermione still stuck in line for the bookstore I went of to look at possible pets. Entering the store I felt all the animals' eyes turn to stare at me. In their own way they all started bowing to me, I could feel all of their heart beats their living souls pulsing in honor, as real as day. Looking around I could feel one animal in the back staring defiantly at me, but still with respect. Making my way over to the creature I could feel all eyes in the store follow me as I approached the creature in the darkest corner. There to meet me was an unusual phoenix, it was mainly blue but with a few green feathers and some black too. Its eyes were an electric green drawing me into its depts. Offering the phoenix my arm to perch on it gracefully flew onto my arm. Asking the phoenix her name she said, Zillah, smiling I asked the store owner how much she was.

All the owner could reply was, "This type of phoenix comes with a curse, all of their owners die prematurely. Are you sure you want to buy her?"

Shrugging my shoulders I said cryptically, "Then I guess we are a good match, Zillah. So how much?" (I mean I am alread dead)

"9 galleons"

Putting the amount on the table I left leaving the store 'dead' quiet.  It was fairly cool outside much to my delight and heading back to the book store to meet up with Hermione, I spotted Ollivander's (the wand shop) and decided to head inside as I was curious as to how wands were picked. There was already a bunch of red heads and a girl with long red hair was try-ing out a wand. The man behind the counter said, "willow dragon heartstring, 11' sturdy."  But something in her cauldron caught my attention as it was giving off a dark area, deciding that it was best dealt with by someone with more experience, I stole it from her cauldron, promising myself that I would buy her a notebook to replace it later.

The girl waved the wand and the lamp exploded, seeing this she apologized as the man I assumed to be Ollivander replied, " Not to worry my dear, I think I have just the wand for you." Putting the other one away he went into the back of the store to get another one. When he handed her the new one he said, "Yew, unicorn hair, 10 1/2 ', slightly bendy." with this one the wand sparked little red shots everywhere. Smiling I left without anyone even noticing I was there, or did they?

Meeting up with the Grangers we all floo powdered back to the house, but everyone strangely quiet. Breaking the silence that had taken over the house I asked, "did you remember to get me my books?"

"Yes." Hermione replied handing me the books and left the room with her parents close behind.


Writing a note to say that I was out on a run and would be back later. Closing the door behind me I went into the conveniently placed dark alley, transformed and went into the Ghost Zone.

Once I entered Clockworks clocktower I saw shocked to say the least by Clockwork company. Clockwork spoke, "Danny meet your new guardian..."

I do not own DP or HP.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now