Chapter 12-My house

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"Please lower your mental barriers."

Trying not to blush green, I lowered them a bit so that the hat could skim a look into my mind.  With the hat on my head, could sense all the magic that was embedded in it.

Daniel, haven't sorted one of your kind in a long time.

Wait, are you speaking to me inside my mind?

Yes, I always do that when I find a person's mind interessting.

So you think my brain is like an ammousing toy?  Just call me to a random house and get on with it.  I don't like getting played with.

I can tell that much from the little access you gave me.

So just call me into a random house already, everybeing in the room is staring at me.

Well you are going last and everyone is hungery.

Not helping, just chose already.

I already know what house you are going into.

Then call it already!

But I thought I should give you a warning, be careful.

And with that, The hat called out my house, to everyone's suprise. 

"Threstalhorn!"  The Sorting hat called. 

Wait, WHAT?!? Trestalhorn isn't a real house!  What is going on?  My thoughts going a mile a minute I could think, pain was taking over my body faster than I could say 'I'm going ghost,'  but being the pro actor I am I just stood there waiting, planting confusion on my face, hiding the pain (it was only at 3 on the pain wheel for me right now - out of ten).

"Castle we have our first Threstalhorn student!"  The hat hollered again, and for a moment nothing happened.  And then it happened,  I could hear bricks shifting and suddenly the Great Hall was changing, it go wider and the tapestries for Griffendoor  were all changed to black and had a sliver crest on it, a skeleton horse with wings and a horn in the light of a lunar eclipse.  More little changes occurred, but I ignored them for now.  All eyes were burning into my skin, if I didn't already have experience with this kind of thing, I probably would have cracked under their gaze, but thanks to also being Danny Phantom I was just somewhat bothered by it.

"Alright students,  please welcome Daniel Work to Hogwarts, as he is the only one to ever be in Threstalhorn!" The old man with the long beard from before spoke with surprise evident in his voice.  "Which house would you like to sit with tonight, Daniel?"

"Please call me Danny, and I'm not hungry, so bye!"  I said as I raced out of the room (the pain level had increased to an eight over that time) and I didn't know how observant everyone was and didn't want to risk it.  Due to everyone's shock, I easily made it out of the Great Hall before any one could blink (I had to be careful to keep my speeds at normal human level)  After the doors closed behind me I started wondering what to do about my stuff, sinking against the doors as the pain finally started to subside (at a solid 5). This was not supposed to hurt, why did it? The hat hadn't even been into my complete mindscape!  I kept it from exploring to far!  Why?   Sighing  I grabbed my wand, 'accio' I thought summoning  my stuff.  Grabbing it I left to explore the castle I was to call my home, I had to find my dorms after all.  I need rest.


After  a few minutes of wondering I felt my ghost sense weakly go off, ignoring it because of all the ghosts here I continued walking.  Then I ran right into something.  Looking up I saw one of the ghosts, his expression of shock that I could bump into her was priceless.  "Sorry."  I say brushing off my pant legs before I try to stand.

"Here, take my hand."  The ghost said offering me her hand. Taking her hand I stood, brushing off my butt.  "Oh, I have yet to introduce myself, Helena Reavenclaw at your service, but most people call me the Grey Lady now a days."  She said

"oh well, I'm Danny Fen-Work" I said

"Why did you start to say one name then change it?"  Helena asked

"Because My name recently changed."


"I-I'd rather not explain."  

She seemed to pick up that it was an uncomfortable topic."what house were you put into?"


"What?  Oh my.  Well it makes sense, you can touch me after all."

"Right I forgot that the ghosts here are almost always intangible."

"I take it that you deal with ghosts a lot?"

"You can say that."

"Well, here, let me show you to your common room." 

"Could you tell me about my house?"

"Well.  Honestly I don't remember all that much about your house to be honest other than a few key things.  A- They must have a tie to death, B-They must face a trial, & C-are prone to die-ing early."

Following her down the halls I took the time to look about.    After turning a number of times we arrived at... you guessed it a wall, with nothing on it and nothing to mark it specially.  "So why have we stopped at a wall?"  I asked.

"Well your common room is through the wall, but no one can get through it, you see?"  She said pushing her hand against the wall.

"Oh, well let me try."

Putting my hand on the wall it felt solid, so glancing at the ghost I pushed on it and felt my hand start to slip through. Thanking the ghost, I pushed the rest of the way through and was instantly surprised.

The inside was room was decorated in pure luxury. The floors a black tile, silver lining between the floor and the black walls. The curtain outside was a shining silver and the plush grey and silver armchairs around the fire matched as well there was a mini-kitchen that was all in black, white and green, there were two stairways at the back, one labeled for boys and one for girls. Going up the stairs for boys I found a king size bed that was black with white sheets, at the foot of the bed was a mini-dresser for me to put my things in and a bedside table by the front. The flooring was white carpet, and the walls were white with a silver line running through the center. In a corner waited my phoenix on her stand, and in the other corner a desk and chair.

Leaving my stuff unpacked and my bag on the dresser, box on the nightstand, I felt the need to take a walk. When I left my new common room (through the wall) I was surprised to hear a shrieking sound coming from my left I turned, only to see Hermione standing at the end of the hall.

"Did you see that?" I asked nerves rising, how am I going to explain it to her, she saw me WALKING THROUGH A LITERAL WALL. Yup, I'm dead-all the way this time.  And Hermione is never going to let this go.

Sorry it is shorter than normal, but I wanted a chapter out so... yea

Tell me what you think! Comment!

I do not own these characters.
I do not own hp or dp.  :(

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now