Chapter 24-How to meet a Phantom

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Just ask her idiot

"Who said that?" I called looking around my dorm room.  I was all alone, who could have said that?


"Where are you?"  

In side your head 

"OK, so if I where to believe that you were inside my head.  Could you share with me who are you?"

I'm 'named' Phantom, your ghostly conscious 

Why are you only showing up now instead of right after the accident? ( I switch to thinking to see if 'Phantom' can still hear me) 

Because you only now are going to go through the trials, I'm here to guide you through it.

Oh ok, so if we are going to get along please tell me more about yourself

Well, you and I share the same memories, except I know more about your soul even before you were born.

Like what?

Like your previous lives all the way up to who you were originally.

Who was I originally?

You'll know once your soul is whole and you are complete again.  

Can you tell me anymore than that?

No, Sorry your H.....

Your what?


OK... anything else I should know about you?

With me comes a spike in your ghostly powers so expect them to them unstable for a while, oh and tomorrow you will get sick and will need to be on bed rest for a day or two for your body to find balance between us as you now are getting ready to have your complete soul back.

Ok, well, I better finish my homework if I'm going to be sick tomorrow.  Sitting down at my desk I started in on my work, while Zillah returned from her evening flight.


Finishing my homework an hour before the dinner bell rings, I devided to write my friends a letter to let them know that I have not forgotten them.

Sealing the letters closed with the hogwarts wax seal, I asked Zillah to give the letters to Sam and Tucker, knowing that they could give Jazz her letter whenever they see her next.  Zillah of course replied eagerly and apparated away in a burst of blue flames.

Now that my friends are taken care of its time I talked with Hermione about the snake, and maybe even try to make new friends once my powers are in control.

You can do it, Danny!

Maybe after I've recovered


I know, but I'm procastinating...

You're not supposed to procastinate!

Sue me.

You very well know that I can't.



The next day as predicted was spent in bed with a dreadful fever, cool and hot flashes and the best part: a pounding headache.  

When Zillah returned that evening she was immediately concerned about me and had to be convinced not to go off and get Madam Pomfrey who wouldn't be able to help me anyway because of my unique... situation, besides my secret is mine for a reason and... I may or may not be terrified of the Ministry hearing about me and 'wanting to know more.'

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