Chapter 25-Lies and a poll

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With Madame Pomfrey touching my bare skin and not giving me time to prepare and hold down my death powers and my powers all out of control, I was seriously shocked that she didn't die straight away.  In fact all she did it seemed was faint  on top of me (Which was VERY uncomfortable) so I easily wiggled my way out from under her and used Wingardium Leviosa to set her on the bed correctly before summoning my gloves (from my ghost half) onto my hands and started checking her over to see what my touch had caused (thank you death! for constantly making me worried about you happening around me -sarcasm-.)  

As it turns out Madame Pomfrey now had a steadily rising fever, and hot cold flashes if her face was anything to go by.  Sighing, I knew that there was not much I could do to help except use my ice powers.  

Don't forget about the other person in the room.

Right thanks

Any time

So I waved my wand while channeling my ice powers through it as though I was casting a silent spell, and covered her forehead with my ice, that should melt off when her temp. returns to normal.  Deciding that was the best I could do for now, I turned to face Minerva.

"What on Earth was that?!?"  She asked, obviously not referring to the spell, but I pretended to think she was asking me about it anyway

"Silent casting, what else could it be?"

" Mean what have you done to Madame Pomfrey?"

"This here was an accident,  you see, when I'm sick, my illness is instantly contagious through touch and so if anyone were to touch me then they would become sick as well." I said internally hating that I had to lie to her.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Because I thought that no one would try and touch me if I was sick anyway, or still recovering."

"So she'll be better tomorrow or day after?"

"It depends on how strong her immune system is and if she can fight off the illness."

"So you have no idea how long it will take for her to get better."


Before Minerva could continue pestering about getting the nurse sick, the bell rang and I raced off to my next class, potions leaving a very confused and annoyed transfiguration teacher behind.


I didn't miss potions yesterday, so I thought that he wouldn't be too concerned about me... I guess I was wrong.

"Nice to see you today." I heard Professor Snape's voice, "I'm glad to see that you care for the delicate art of potion making."

Knowing his mask better than I probably should I nodded and started on today's potion, the forgetfulness potion. Getting out my cauldron I added 2 drops of Lethe River Water and gently heated it for 20 seconds then I added the 2 sprigs of Valerian to my cauldron before stirring it three times, clockwise. Waiting a millisecond I waved my wand before turning to face Professor Snape because I now had to wait 45-60 minutes for it to brew before I could continue making the potion.

"Well, I see that you remembered how to make this correctly despite missing school yesterday."

"Of course I remember, I've read through my potions textbook numerous times."

"Good to know. Now any reason you rushed in here like a wild buffoon?"


Say something dude, his eyes are growing narrower by the second.


"There is a reason."

"Care to enlighten me?"


"Well then, 20 points from all houses because you don't have one."

"I do, I'm in Thestralhorn aren't I?"

"Yes, but you don't have a point tracker because you are all alone."

"Nice way to rub it in that I don't have a family anymore."



"Wha.. Mr. Work, why weren't we informed? When did it happen?"

You should be honest here

I know...

"I didn't know that I should inform you, besides why would I tell a school I'm going to attend that I don't have any family members on this Earth I could live with, besides I'm already dorming here anyway.  Besides it happened this summer, so I stayed with Hermione until school started."

"You stayed with Hermione Granger?"



"Because I floo-ed to her house instead of Professor McGonagall's , by mistake.  Besides when I arrived at her house I had amnesia for a while and then when I remembered the Grangers offered to let me stay for the rest of summer and so I agreed."


After that my mental alarm (Clockwork taught me how) went off and I turned my attention back to my potion adding 2 measures of standard Ingredient to my mortar and then 4 mistletoe berries too and crushed them into a medium-fine powder using  my pestle.  I then added the 2 pinches of mixture into my cauldron.  Stirring 5 times anti-clockwise, I waved my wand to complete my potion.  

Giving Snape a vial of the potion I heard the bell ring and took 2 vials for myself as I left the dungeons behind.  


Pairings people have requested.

1 Harry/Draco

2 Draco/Danny

3 Crabbe/Goyle

4 Harry/Danny

5 Danny/Snape

6 Draco/Hermione

7 Other (Please specify)

note: I will be adding more to this list as different things are requested.

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