Chapter 36- Who to pick?

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Many different names crossed my mind as I thought about all the different options.

There was of course Sam, Tucker and Jazz, but I don't want to get them involved in my life again, it'd be too cruel for them, as I have already left them behind, but I kind of want to have someone from my past life be there, and someone from my new life be there too.

You can have up to three people be there.

Right, I though back at Phantom as The Clocktower entered my field of sight.  Thinking back to my new life, a few people stood out to me: Hermione, Harry, Susan, Draco, and McGonagall.  And there is no way that I can bring Harry there because of Death, besides it would be very troublesome for me too, becasue the whole thing about me accidentally  killing him if I lose my focus and absorb his soul from his body.  And Hermione would be hard to bring... as she doesn't seem to remember me at all or anything that happened during the summer.

Dude, you just flew right past your destination.

Oops, Thanks Phanotm.  I replied and flew back down towards the Clocktower.


Once I landed and entered the clocktower I wasn't at all surprised to find Clockwork already waiting for me and a smug smirk already on his face.

"Welcome Daniel."  Clockwork started

"You know why I'm here, any tips on which people to choose?"  I replied cutting to the chase

"One from the past and one from the hog..."

"What about the third person?"

"I don't know. You'll know, or you won't."

"Right..."  I say already knowing that, that was all the information he was going to give me, and turn to leave, he was already being more helpful than he usually is.

"Oh, and Daniel, You might be needing this."  Clockwork calls and throws me a necklace.  "Good luck son!"

"Thanks, dad!" I call leaving The Clocktower looking down at at the necklace, it was a silver chain with a single red ruby  on it with a pale flower I thought I recognized inside it.

Phantom do you remember what this flower is?  I shoot Phanotm a question hopping he'll be of some aide.

Yea, it's a rare flower called a Midnight Tear, if it is set in a ruby and worn with silver, it is said to erase all memories of that which happens while it is on.

Wow, that's some necklace.

Yea, it is be careful with it, it would be bad if it were to fall in the wrong hands.

Agreed, I replied as I sliped it into my pocket.   Although I may have gained an item that will be useful in the future, I am still stuck in which people I should pick.  Teleporting back to my dorm, I sat down to think somemore when I realized, I had landed in the wrong place.

"How in the hell did you get in here?"  


Hey guys, sorry for the delay in the updates, I've been busy preparing for hosting my first online session for fivable, and haven't the time to retype all of this until now.

Also someone has gotten 1 of the people Danny is bringing so you can try and guess the other(s).  This closes later today.  

Good Luck!

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now