Chapter 34-Hermione has Questions

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I slept well that night.  And when I woke up in the morning, I was surprised by how rested I felt.  I haven't felt like this since... since before the accident!  With smile of pure joy gracing my lips I got dressed for the day grabbing my wand as I left my dorm, I was shocked to find Hermione waiting for me in the corridor, alone (for once).

"So, how did you arrange the little... Get together last night?" She asked looking me in the eye

"Asked the house elves to find me a place to host the party, and they practically did the rest."  I responded.

"How are you getting the coins to work?"  She asked showing off one of the coins that were handed out at my party.

"Magic, I've read ahead, and besides I grew up in a magical family after all.  I thought I told you that at some point this summer?"

"How could I have meet you over the summer?  You just started here yourself.  Besides we first meet on the train,  why would that make us friends. I don't have any friends besides Harry and Ron."

".."  I was too stunned to speak.  How could she forget?  What is going on?  What minds are at play so that she doesn't remember me?  Why her?  Who is altering her memories?

Relax, We'll figure this out.

How do you know that?

Because whatever is at play can't be any worse than what you have delt with before, and they probably don't know anything about you, or your status, besides you have bigger things to worry about.


Your late to your meeting with Life, you were supposed to be there 5 minutes ago.  And you know how he is when he is angry.  

I internally shuddered at that thought.  Shoot!  Thanks Phantom!

No problem, I am you after all.

"Bye Hermione!"  I called racing off, leaving her alone in the hallway.  As soon as I was out of sight and was sure I was alone, I teleported straight into the ghost zone.

AN: Due to exams there will be no updates this week

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now