Chapter 7-My guardian

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"Daniel meet your guardian, Death, or as you better know him, the Grim Reaper."

"What?!?" I replied. I was totally not expecting this! Since when did Death take on an apprentice?  Staring at Death I realized that this was the first time that I meet him officially.  I remember both Life and Death fighting over me during the portal incident, but I never got a good look at either of them until now.  His cloak was a midnight black, the hood covering the top half of his face.  The mouth portrayed his unamused expression his famous scythe a dark silver with a red sheen.

"Nice to meet you properly this time, Phantom, I am still very disappointed that you still are only half under my jurisdiction."  Death said in a deep voice I had not expected.

"Nice to meet you too, Death.  Can could you  please explain to me why are you, my guardian?  No offense, Death."  I asked shifting my gaze from Death to Clockwork and back.

"Well, because this is the way it needs to be, Daniel."  Clockwork replied, smirking.

Sighing because it is practically impossible to get information out of Clockwork I decided a change in topic was due. "What about my trials?  How will this play out when I am still learning from my guardian?"

"Well, Daniel, you need not worry about that."

"Oh thank you Clockwork,"  I said my mind starting to hurt from the news of my guardian.

"Oh, and Daniel before you run off and start training with Death, know that you need to go back to the Granger's house before 9 or they will call the police looking for you."  Clockwork said with an amused gleam to his eyes.

"Thank you Clockwork!"  I yell as I follow Death out of the clocktower.


"Where are we going?"  I asked as we started moving towards an unfamiliar part of the Ghost Zone.

"To my Liar, of course."  Death replied.

Looking around I noticed that we were heading towards two black doors with red and green flame patterns and white skulls acting as the door handles.  Death opened the doors letting me enter first.

His lair is what one would expect to be Death's Lair, Black floor tiles with black walls, red curtains, a red throne in the center, a pedestal to the left held the crown made of bone, and to the right of the throne was another throne but smaller.  There were two hallways that lead off to different parts of his Liar that were shrouded in shadows.

"So what do you think?" Death asked almost making me jump in surprise at his sudden appearance beside me, I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings.  He motioned for me to sit down on the smaller throne, and not wanting to disobey, I did (no one wants to disobey death).  He stood in front of me and asked, "Do you, Danny Phantom, agree to become my apprentice and help me fill my Deathly duties, as long as you are able?"

Too startled to understand what I was doing I said, "I do."

"Then by the power of Death, I accept you as my apprentice, Phantom."  In his hands was a scythe a different one, one that called my name, it was slightly taller than me and was also as black as death, but had a blue sheen to it.  Death offered it to me and I took it without a second thought and stood to hold it in my hands.  It felt right, like this was meant to be.


"Ready for a trial run, Phantom?"  Death asked after a few moments of me trying to understand the new powers that I had unlocked just from getting the scythe.

"Yes, Death."

"Please call me Dea."

"Yes, Dea."

"Good, now follow me, Phantom, I will help you understand the new abilities that you have gotten from accepting me as your master."

As we walked down different hallways that had green flames as the only source of light and that all looked the same, we approached our final destination. The doors automatically opened for us as we stood in front of the door. Inside the room was circular with a dome-shaped ceiling. The floors were black (surprise) and the walls were also black but had green and red flames designs on them. In the center of the room was a mirror which reflected different images shifting showing different things that changed before I could make it out. Walking towards it I was surprised when Death started speaking.

"Phantom, I see that the Mirror of Death has caught your attention."

"The Mirror of Death?"

"Yes, it is a mirror that shows everyone's last moments, their last breaths. It also alerts me when a person is about to die that is destined to become a ghost."

"How so?"

"By glowing green."

"Like it is doing now?" I asked as the mirror started flashing an electric green, displaying a picture of the boy who I had seen in the car with the scar on the forehead. 

Turning my head to Death I was surprised when he walked to the mirror and banged it yelling, "That boy is not supposed to die yet!"

"If that boy is not supposed to die, then why was he shown on the mirror, while it was glowing?" I asked my curiosity starting to spike.

"Because he unknowingly hosts the soul of someone who is supposed to be dead, but if we are to try and absorb the fragment of the soul, we will also end his life, it is something, that the boy must remove himself."

"How would he do that?"

"There are many way for it to happen, his death is one example."

Just then the mirror flashed again and an old woman was displayed on the screen. "So what do we do now?" I ask referencing the woman on the screen.

"We absorb her, obviously." Death said with a red twinkle in his eyes hidden by the shadows of the hood.  Then Death walked into the mirror, giving me no choice, but to follow.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now