Chapter 2-Being Found

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"I'm home!" A female voice called through the house. Hiding in the bathroom (AND STAYING VISIBLE while making little noise - visible being the key word here) was hard. Hearing Hermione race towards the woman's voice I locked the door. Sighing I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. Letting the water warm up a bit, I took off all of my bandages from my back and used the mirror to check up on my back, it was mostly healed, but it would definitely leave a scar, oh well its not like I don't already have many scars for it join. Burning the bandages I hoped into the shower letting the water clean my body, and clear the remaining foggyness from before and focus on my new task at hand, creating a new mask for me to wear. (For those who didn't get it mask refers to personality - which includes creating 'Daniel Work' 's backstory)


Opening one of my bags I put on the same outfit (but this one was clean). Creating a necklace out of my ice, so that I could fake remembering everything after seeing it (as I had just put my backstory together).  I put away my dirty clothes and ran my fingers through my hair letting it fall across my face. Slinging my bags over my shoulder I grabbed the box and exited the bathroom. Only to walk right into a woman who was standing right outside (I must not have been paying attention or listening that well). Pretending to fall out of surprise, I looked up at her as she offered me a hand to stand. Taking advantage of it I stood carefully remembering not to grip as strong as I could or put my whole weight on her arm. Once I was standing she lead me back to the living room, where I had accidentally crashed landed into earlier. Sitting in one of the fluffy chairs reading a book was Hermione with a ginger cat curled around her feet. Taking a seat, I looked up at the woman who also had brown hair, my assumption was that she was Hermione's mother. Looking at me she spoke, "Why are you here?"

"I don't know" I replied

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I can't remember anything from before I arrived here, Miss."

Sighing she put her hand to her head obviously thinking. Turning to Hermione who had at some point closed the book she asked, "Do you know who he is?"

"Not before today. His name is Daniel Work. I only know that because he got invited to Hogwarts this year."

Carefully making my ice necklace slip out of my pocket I stood and said, " If you want me to leave let me know and I'll try and find my house..."

The woman instantly replied," Do you even know where you live?"


"Then how would you get there?"

"Luck?"  I replied shugging, starting to pace I started to think up of a logical way to explain that I had no home to go to when I 'remembered' everything (I had forgotten to think of that in the shower). Hermione being the curious and intelligent soul that she is soon noticed the necklace and pointed it out. Pretending to be curious I walked toward the chair to stare at my necklace. Putting a blank expression on my face I relived the nasty burger explosion in my mind, all my friends and family dead (To play along with my backstory I had made up in the shower in combo with why I couldn't go home now). Letting tears fall from my face for the first time in a while I started to cry. Feeling arms wrap around me I 'startled' back into reality. Stopping to get my tears under control I turned to face them. Letting my voice crack under the memories I spoke. "I don't have a home anymore, my whole family died in a fire, they died... trying to save me." Pausing to take a breath I continued (I had to cover all my bases), "My friends are away on vacation, and I had nowhere to go, so I used the flew powder from one of my empty friend's houses and was trying to go to Miss McGonagall's (I got the name from the letter) house because I knew of her relations to Hogwarts and could ask her to live there until I went there officially as a student... But my voice must have cracked and came out like Granger, so I guess that is how I ended up here." Casting my eyes downwards I sighed, but Hermonie seemed to buy it.

"You are welcome to stay here." Looking up I saw that it was the woman who spoke. "Hogwarts starts soon, so why don't you two go to Diagon Ally together to get your school supplies?"

Thanking her for letting me stay I turned on my phone. I had thirteen missed calls from Sam and five from Tucker along with a bucket load of texts from each. Deciding it was easiest to deal with the texts first, I opened the  hidden messaging app. 

Sam: where are you?

Tucker: I can't find you on my gps, are you in the Ghost Zone?

Sam: Is there another ghost invastion I should be worried about?

Sam: are you ok?

Sam: Please respond

Tucker: umm. dude your house looks like it is on fire, green fire, are you Ok?


Sam: Where are you?

Sam: I think that your parents found out, if their screaming is anything to go by.

Tucker: are you at any of the safe houses?

Sam: dude all of our safe houses are empty were are you?

Sam: ANSWER ME YOU CLUELESS IDIOT! You better not be fully dead!

tucker: No ghosts have appeared today... whats going on? Are you ok?

I sighed and texted back,

Me: I'm safe and still with a foot in both worlds, I'm in England, and I was sent here by Clockwork. I assumed that was true, how else could I have ended up in a house this nice and not at Skulker's island? Contacting my sister via text I said this, I am safe, but I will not be able to see you again. Jazz instantly called me, sighing I picked up and said a tentative hello.

"How did they find out?" Jazz's voice screamed at me through the phone.

"With the ghost dream catcher." I replied

"They are looking all over for you." her voice was like a whisper.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, but please stay away from Amity Park, this place is no longer safe for either of your identities. Please I don't want to see you on a dissection table."

"Don't worry I already have a new identity set up and am no longer in America."


"You can thank Clockwork for that."

"Oh. Well I got to go, good luck little brother may you live your life safe from all the dangers that are looking for you."

"Thanks Jazz. Bye, good luck in collage."


"Jack we need to find that ghost scum and take it apart molecule by molecule!  How dare a ghost imitate and posses our son!" Maddie's voice was faintly heard over the phone before the line was cut, making hard for me to hold back my tears. Curling up on myself I fell asleep in a house far from home, filled with strangers I hardly know.

I do not own danny phantom or harry potter.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now