Chapter 18-When death is in a good mood

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Once the portal closed behind me I transformed into my ghost form and surprisingly felt my increase in power.  It felt right, I missed being my ghost me.  Sighing with joy, I flew to Death's place.  


Getting to the door was a lot faster than I though it would be. Sighing, I opened the doors and was immediately greeted by Death.  Something was off with her though, she seemed to tremble, and I didn't know what to do with that new knowledge.  

After she dragged me into a 'living room'  (I guess, I mean what do the dead call the living room, the death room?  I mean it makes sense, but it sounds wrong.)  After she let go of my arm, she spoke, "So, what do you want to do?"

I could only blink in response to her personality change, I mean, she usually would more composed, strict and give off an aura that commanded respect, but now... she seemed to have a carefree aura, and childish nature.

"Well?"  She prompted.

Thinking fast I responded, "Um... how about you pick?"

"Sure," she replied with a smile on her face, "how about we a pomegranate pie?"

"OK,"  I responded, pomegranates are well liked among ghosts, I wasn't really that surprised by her choice. 

"fun fact did youknow that in some cultures the pomegrante is known as thr fruit of the gods?"




Looking at the pie now, I was surprised at her baking skills, I mean, come on!  How can easily bake a pie that looks like this, a perfect golden crust, ruby red sauce filled with pomegranate juice, and a nice fluffy meringue on top.   Taking a bite, I unconsciously smiled, which made Death smile in return, as she bite into the pie as well.

After the pie had 'miraculously' vanished, she smiled at me saying, "let's go play!"  as she dragged me out of the room and back into the hall before stopping a mysterious green door.

OK so I know that it has been a while since I published a new chapter... so I thought I'd feed you a cookie ;) I split this chapter up because of something coming next, so expect the next one very soon.  I hope you like!  Please comment, vote, and post your ideas, if you're right I'll dedicate the chapter to you that you guessed.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now