chapter 3-Unfamiliarities

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Waking up is always unpleasant, but waking up in the dead of night in an unfamiliar house put me instantly on guard, which helped me realize that there had been a blanket thrown over me. Turning my head to face the window I saw a starry night, putting me in the mood to fly around the town. Deciding on a quick flight to get the lay of the land (and see the stars) I took to the sky and was surprised to see a car just flying through the sky, turning invisible I started to follow it curiously. Catching up to the car I looked through the window of the car to see three red heads and a boy that reminds me of me. He had black hair and a scar on his forehead.  his eyes were worried and looking around. He then stop looking around and faced me. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before I realized that the sun was rising and I had no idea what time people got up at Hermione's house (hopefully they weren't early birds like Jazz, but knowing my luck they probably were.)

Turning around I flew toward the house, feeling the magic of my wand pulling me in the right direction. I could feel that the wand had grown in power, easier to detect as I got closer. I turned intangible and invisible to look around the house to make sure I was alone, which I was, and quickly turned visible and tangible. Snuggling under the covers I drifted off thinking about that boy that looked like me, but thinking back I felt a broken ghost sense go off before I saw the car. What was that and why did that happen?  Was that guy another one of my clones, if so why didn't I know about it before?  Why had Vlad hidden one of my clones from me?  Was it because he was flawed?  Was he missing a ghost core, if so then why did my ghost sense go off?

Waking up without my ghost sense going off was weird. After my 'midnight' exploration I had gotten another half hour worth of sleep (totaling me at about 6.5 hours -a new record). Grabbing the book Clockwork gave me yesterday I started reading.


As I was reading I noticed Hermione walking into the room. I was already reading the book for a second time (I'm a VERY fast reader- how else to you think I kept myself from failing all of my classes?). Pretending I didn't notice her walking in I continued reading. When I turned the page she seemed to question what I was doing up so early, tilting her head. Placing my hand on the page I looked up at her. We stared at each other for a while before I heard an alarm go off. With my super senses I was not surprised when she made no notice of the sound (the alarm sound was probably from her parent's room at the other end of the house). Breaking her gaze I moved bringing her back into reality. Speaking she said, "I just realized that you look a lot like my friend, Harry, minus a few details, but you have a different aura or feel around you, like you could face anything and be ok, you're like a comforting presence."

Shrugging I thought back to the boy who I had seen in the flying car, curious I asked, "Could you tell me about your friend, Harry?"

"Sure, his full name is Harry James Potter." Pretending to make an impressed face (he was in the book Clockwork gave me) she continued, "He is a kind, brave and clever boy. He is in the same house as me, Griffendor. He gives off an air of integreity. "

"Coud you tel me more about your friends?"

"Well my only other friend is Ron Weasly, a red head, is lazy and has terrible study habits -if he ever even studies-.  He has 2 older twin brothers named Fred and George, pranksters those two are, among a few other siblings like his younger sister Ginerva aka Ginny who will be starting Hogwarts this year just like you, and his older brothers Charlie and Percy.  I think I am only friends with them because they saved my life from a mountian troll, but Harry and I get along just fine. I also have saved their lives last year with the whole sorcerer's stone trial with the Devil's Snare, and potions riddle, so I guess we save eachothers lives more often than I would like.  I would really apprieciate getting more time to study instead of helping those two live another day, but having friends is nice so I guess it is worth it."

I had actually read about that (the soceror's stone and the trials that they faced) in the book Clockwork gave me. I guess his books really are up to date (shocker). Changing the subject I told her about the two friends I had, Sam and Tucker. "Sam, was my girl friend. A goth, Ultra-Recyclo-vegetarian, a rights activist, and a very unique individual. She had short black hair with a mini pony tail and violet eyes. Tucker is an African American, a techno geek, and lover of all meat and technology. He even names his new tec!"

Smiling at me, we continued the conversation as she walked into the kitchen to get our breakfast ready. She offered me toast or marshmellow cereal ( I obviously choose cereal, who like toast anyway? + it has marshmellows) Hermione after making herself a slice of toast sat down next to me and we continued to talk to eachother. I told her only the basic fact about me like I want to join the space program, my favorite color is blue, I have a sister named Jazz who wants to be a psychiatrist, and that I like reading nonfiction books (my life is way to caotic  for me to be reading anything but nonfiction). When ever we got talking into dangerous territory, like talking about my parents, I always found ways to change the direction of the converstaion .  

After breakfast I asked Hermione if I could read her 1st year books from last year. Eagerly getting up she rushed off to her room, happy to fanially know someone who shares she eagerness for learning. Returning after a few seconds, she handed me a stack of books along with some parchment, a quill and ink to take notes with. Thanking her I retreated to my room (aka the living room) for the rest of the day, reading a taking notes.


By the time it was dinner I had read all of the books and taken lots of notes for me to study in the days to follow. Although I was worried about potions class because of the blood blossoms (my reaction to them has only gotten stronger over time), everything else seemed fine. Eating dinner with her family was weird, as I was used to eating alone, so when they started asking me lots of questions asking me how my day was and stuff I was pretty much overwhelmed, being reminded of my friends back home as we would usually dine at the Nasty Burger and as we ate they would usualy bombard me with questions like that). Rushing to finish my meal, I excused myself and went on a walk. I really needed to take a breather.

After walking for some time I felt my ghost sense go off, but I barely felt it, alhough it was stronger than my reaction to who I assumed to be Harry. Turning around I saw it, the ghost. It had a human shape and was wearing really weird robes? and a pointy hat. Seeing that I had noticed him he floated over to me making me realize that he was intangible, and seethrough (how did that work?)

Talking to me in a grand voice he asked me, "Do you know where Hogwarts is, Sir Phantom?"

"I'm, sorry, who are you?" I replied avoiding his question.

"I am Sir Nightwing."

Deciding that he wasn't a huge threat if the way looked was aything to go by I replied "I plan on going there in a few days. If you would like you may travel with me in the thermos, if you tell me why you are going there." beter safe than sorry

"Sure, I am going to Hogwarts to meet up a few ghostly friends, and because it has become my haunt like many other ghosts."

"So how haunted is Hogwarts?"  I asked, although I had already know that some ghosts lived at hogwarts.

"Very much so, there are about 150 different ghosts that live there through the school year."

"Are all the ghosts like you?  Stuck seethrough can fly and intangible?"

"Most of us are, but we also have a polterguist that lives at Hogwarts as well named Peeves."

"Ok."  I replied.

Taking my thermos from my belt (old habits die hard and precaution) it sucked him in almost to easily, and capped the lid deciding to walk back to the house instead of flying. As I reached the house a thoughed echoed in my head, HOW DID HE KNOWS I WAS PHANTOM? It was that thought that kept me up for days, which eventually lead to...

 auto pilot mode.

I do not own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter (sadly enough)

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