Chapter 41 - It's just a kitchen!

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Lisa's POV

Seeing the school-known mystery boy, already standing proud as if he were expecting us to arrive, right at that moment, I was kind-of shocked.  I mean, even if it was my house head, I was kind of doubting him.  What would Daniel want with me?

"So Daniel, this is Lisa.  Lisa, this is Daniel Work."  Professor Flitwick introduced.

"Please call me Danny."  Danny says shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Danny, I'm Lisa."  I replied.

"Now weren't we going to talk over lunch?"  Professor Flitwick commented.

"Yes, now please, follow me.  But do keep in mind my common room location is a secret, ok?"

"Of course."  Professor Flitwick answered for the both of us.

Danny then surprisingly just walked though the wall.  I looked again, yup there was still a wall there.  Danny's head then stuck out through the wall, "Well what are you waiting for?  I already gave you an invitation?"  Danny said before his head disappeared again.

After following Danny through the wall I asked out of 'pure curiosity,' "how did you find your common room?"

"... The ghosts showed me the way."  Danny replied.

" So I'm sure you have questions-" Flitwick started

"Why do you have a kitchen in your common room?  You're so lucky!  I would LOVE to have a kitchen in my common room!" I said totally interrupting him

"If you want I could let you use my kitchen some time if you would like?" Daniel replied in amusement.

"Sure that would be great!"  I reply.  Following Daniel's lead we sat down at one of the chairs by the table. 

Danny soon joined us after bringing the tea pot over and pouring us some tea.

After another few moments Professor Flitwick spoke up, "So about what you had me bring Lisa over here for, care to explain it to her?"

"Of course,"  Danny replied. " So let me explain before you comment.  You see, I was thinking of making friends.  I was thinking that it would work best if I had at least a friend in each house so that I could get to know everyone.  And I was wondering if you would be willing to try being my friend?"

"Sure, but on one condition."  I replied.

"What?"  Danny replied, as Professor Flitwick turned to me in curiosity.

"Let me use your kitchen as often as I want."

"Fine,"  he agreed.

"Yay--" I started celebrating.

"But, you need to give me 48 hours notice ahead of time."

"Deal."  I immediately agreed.  I was finally going to be able to make my mom's Halloween cookies with out her bothering me!  I seems that this year's Halloween will be the best one ever!

But, still something about Daniel seems... off.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now