Chapter 39-So about Ravenclaw...

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Seeing as I got my list of Ravenclaw student just from talking to Luna, I realized that I really didn't know any of the Ravenclaw students at all, I knew more people from the other houses.  What am I going to do about it now? As I started to reach Ravenclaw tower, I noticed some people who looked to be about a year or two older than me.  Deciding to approach, I swallowed my nerves and walked towards them. But as I got closer, and they got closer, they passed me by and left me in the tower alone, everyone else probably already in their common rooms.

So what are you going to do now?

I don't know

Now how about you ask Professor Flitwick?  Isn't he the Head of House for the Ravenclaws?

Good idea, thanks.

Heading over to his classroom, I was not really surprised to hear him practicing his dueling skills with a dummy.  Knocking on the door, I could hear the professor grumble about who it could be before he opened the door for me.

"Oh Daniel, what a pleasant surprise!  To what do I owe to get to see you after classes?  Have you finally decided to become the head of my new dueling club and help me find more members?"  

"Oh, I had forgotten about that, I'm here for a different reason."  I replied

"Oh!  Well, care to share the reason?"

"Yea, well I'm looking to make friends-"

"Well I'm sure you can make them, everyone needs a friend. "


"Even people who have lived through the toughest battle need at least 1 friend that they can reply on.  I'm curious what your are ideas are."

I  took a deep breath to speak, "Well, I was hoping to get to know some of the Reavenclaws?"

"I'd be more than happy to help you with that."

"Thanks! So who would you suggest as to who could be one of my friends?"

"Good question indeed!  Umm let me think....  any particular year you were hoping that the'd be in?"

"Well, I'd like them close to my age so first year or second year please."

"So a second year is ok, right?


"So how about Lisa Turpin?  She's in the second year, and although she is really boisterous and loud she can be very observant when she wants to be.  I've been meaning to introduce you to her for a while anyway.  I think you two would make great friends."

I don't like that he wants to pair you up with someone observant.

Well if I ask him for a person that isn't observant that would only put me under suspicion.


"Ok, sounds great. What does she look like?"

"Well she is on the small end of the normal size for her age, she has long black wavy hair, and dark eyes.  I could set you up to meet her tomorrow if you would like."

"Yes, that would be perfect, how about both of you come over for lunch in my common room tomorrow?"

"Where is your common room?  I have yet know of its location."

"I'll give you something so that you can take her there tomorrow at lunch."  Taking out a piece of paper I mumbled some magic words and pointed it at the paper, causing an arrow to appear on the paper.  I then handed it to Professor Flitwick.

"What a wonderful location charm!  I haven't seen this spell used used in many decades!"

"Then I'm assuming you've used it before?"

"Yes, I have."

"Now what was that about living in a battle field?"

"Oh yes, that.  When someone has lived through war, like I have, you can recognize others who have also, no matter how well one tries to hide it."

"Well, what can you tell me about your war experiences?"


"So can you keep that a secret?"  I asked Professor Flitwick after he finished telling me about the last war he was in and the heartbreak it caused knowing that some of his best students had died.

"That you were raised on the battle field?"  He replied.


"Why? Why do you want me to keep that a secret?"

"As a veteran, I'm sure you understand that it takes time to get over being in an environment like that, and I don't want random people's pity when they hear of my past.  Even though you don't know much yourself."

"Well, I have a feeling that you're not ready to share it yet."

"True, I'm not ready to share it.  I also have a random question."

"What is your question?"

"Do you have any plans on the night of Halloween?"

"Not that I'm aware of.  Why?"

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