Chapter 17-Potions with Snape

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On my way down to the dungeons. I realized that it was colder down here than up in the main castle. When I was almost to the classroom I saw pickled animals floating in glass jars all around the walls, totally creeping me out (internally of course, I made my face unreadable at this time.)  When I reached the classroom, I was some-what happy. Why? Because it was actually a nice temperature down here. 

Knocking on the door I  heard a voice call, "Come in." Entering the room, I closed the door behind me as I took my seat.  Professor Snape looked me up and down, "Welcome to potions, a world were if you make one mistake, can end in disaster, but if you study well, and listen then I can teach you how to make even the most complex potions."

"Thank you Professor Snape."  I replied, eager to learn potions (at least here I wasn't banned from touching all fragile equipment.)

"Well let's see you brew a simple potion, the Wiggenweld Potion.  Do you know what it is used for, Daniel?"

Thinking for a second I paused for a second before remembering, "The Wiggenweld Potion is a healing potion with the power to cure injuries, and to awaken a person from a magically-induced sleep, which gives it the ability to reverse the effects of potions like the Sleeping Draught and the Draught of the Living Death."

"Good, How to make it is on the board, please make it carefully."

"Yes, Professor."  I said before reading the board, 

The instructions for brewing the Wiggenweld Potion are thus:

Add salamander blood until the potion turns red.  Stir until the potion turns orange.  Add more salamander blood, this time until it turns yellow.Stir until the potion turns green.  Add more salamander blood, until the potion turns turquoise.Heat until it turns indigo.  Add more salamander blood until the potion turns pink.Heat until the potion turns red.  Add five lionfish spines.  Heat until the potion turns yellow.  Add five more lionfish spines.  Add flobberworm mucus, until the potion turns purple.  Stir until it turns red.  Add more flobberworm mucus, this time until it turns orange.  Stir till it turns yellow.  Add Honey water until it turns back to a turquoise colour.  Add another few drops of boom berry juice.  Stir the potion again, then let it simmer for thirty minutes.Take the potion away from the heat and allow it to cool, when it is cool its ready for use.

After taking notes in my textbook of the missing steps,I started to work, using my careful eye to check all measurements before adding them to the cauldron.  As I was working on step 11, I realized that I had pricked my self on one of the spikes.   Quickly making sure Professor Snape wasn't looking my way I bandaged my finger.  Looking up to clean the spike I pricked my finger on, I found Professor Snape staring at me, and my potion.  Fogetting all about cleaning the spike, I put the spikes in and completely forgetting about all the possible effects, I continued working on the potion, with Professor Snape looking at me, like he was trying to pick up at something wrong with me.  Being used to stares while I worked I finished the potion, but something was wrong, although my potion was green like it should be, it had a slight glow to it.  Looking up I could tell Professor Snape had caught on that it was different and wanted an explanation, but I was lucky thankfully as before he could even open his mouth, the bell rang and I got out of the classroom faster than he could blink.  

The door closed behind me as I ran down the hall ways, only slowing down once I exited the dungeons.  Taking a deep breath I went to the GEH, ignoring all of the transparent ghosts that were staring after me, and the looks students gave me as I made my way to the hall.

The doors were already open, but as soon as I entered the hall all talking ceased and everyghost was facing me.  Sighing I found an empty spot next to the Sir Nicholas and took a seat.  Knowing that I would be eating alone all year, for the human's safety, I started eating the food that was out for me. Looking up I realized that Sir Nightwing had started speaking to me, "Sir, How were your classes today?"

Answering after swallowing my mouthful for food I replied, "They were fine, although I really need to pay more attention in potions class."

"I would imagine so, also SHE is waiting for you, best not keep her waiting." 

"I guess so."  I reply leaving the room, and heading towards my common room.


   Walking through the wall to my dorm, I take a deep breath and look at the clock.  Yup, I will be there in time. Going ghost I take out my scythe and open a portal into the ghost zone. 

AN. Please comment on what you think, post your guesses on where I'm taking this story, or any cool ideas you might have!

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