Chapter 19-Your tail is showing!

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Inside the room Death took me in to I found... another kitchen.  She pushed me into a chair by the table and started baking... something (again), I have no idea what though, every time I tried to get up and help or just moved she shot me a smile that said, move a muscle and your fully dead.  Me, definately not being coward, and not wanting to die the rest of the way stayed in that chair for what feels like hours before she came back with...

you guessed it

cookies!  Eating them until they were all gone (partially because I liked them and partially because she kept pressuring me to eat more) she then allowed me to leave.  Closing the door behind me I had no idea what was in store for me when I got back on the human plane.

Getting back to my common room I detransformed into my human half and grabbed my stuff for my next class, but what I saw in the mirror held me in my tracks.  My feet were not there! Instead of my feet I had my ghostly tail!  It was there, and it had never done that to me before.  What happened to make my feet stuck in tail form? ...Death!  Death did this!  I mean she forced me to eat all those cookies, and watching her make cookies isn't fun, that wasn't a game... she wanted to start a prank war with me!  How dare she!  Seeing my eyes flash green/red in the mirror I calmed down, and took a deep breath, ok how am I going to hide this in my next classes? Sighing I put on my robe, and decided to try something, hiding my 'legs' in the robe by floating lower to the ground, so that they stay hidden.  

When I got to my next class, Herbology, Professeur Sprout happily greeted me somewhat reminding me of Mrs.Foley.

"Well now!  let's get started!  If your ready?"

"I'm ready."  I reply setting down my bag.

"While I want to dive right in and get our hands dirty, this introductory lesson needs to cover a few important topics first. As you may have guessed, this year is about laying the 'groundwork'  for your herbological education. In this lesson, we will be discussing just what herbology is, some of the expectations of this course, and some formal, administrative information we need to get out of the way. We will start looking at plants in earnest in during our fifth lesson.  Now, just because we're not tackling Fanged Geraniums on our first day, don't be lulled into a false sense of security. Let it be noted that this course is not for the squeamish or faint of heart! Plants can be dangerous little things! While they are not creatures like the mighty dragon, nor beings like the impressive vampire, plants can be just as complex and difficult to deal with. Over the next few years, you will find that there are many parallels between plant behavior and animal behavior. Some even display quirks that a human might have! For these reasons, and for many others, you will be expected to treat all plants with the care and respect they deserve.  Any questions so far?"


"No?  Ok, well always feel free to raise your hand and ask me a question if you ever get confused, alright?"

"Yes, Professeur."

"Great!" she replied clapping her hand before continuing with her lesson.  "One policy I would like to make you aware of is the fact that all students with special premisson from me are permitted to have their own plot in the public greenhouses. You may grow whatever you would like from your year's shelf, which will contain cuttings, seeds, and bulbs that we will discuss throughout the year. They are clearly labelled, so be sure not to go above your year without express permission from me. Of course, I would highly recommend you wait to grow a plant until we have gone over it in class, or after you have done research in the library and asked any lingering questions regarding their care. As long as you do not abuse this privilege, this opportunity will be open to you for as long as you continue your herbological education!  Now onto our grading policy!"

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