I don't need big wreaths
Or whitening on my teeth
When I go down in the coffin
I don't favour a frown
But turn it upside down
And maybe we can get this party started
It's sickening for me
When I turn on the tv
And see the memorial tributes given
Where were they when he was alive?
Where were they when she strove to survive?
I am telling you right now
I'm not going out that way
It's either you celebrate me now
Or you go on your merry way
You think I'm being ridiculous
And yes I'm quite determined
I take this very serious
And if you are my friend, you better start learning
I've figured out the plot
This disease won't catch me
My existence isn't a blot
I demand some generosity
You think I ask for too much
But it's just once a year
If you ask me I'm being modest
Aren't you happy I'm still here?
If you love my laughter and my wit
You can buy me a new outfit
If you think my angry face is still cute
Then assuage me with some loot
If you enjoy my time and company
Take me somewhere, spend some money.
Do I sound vain?
Let me make it perfectly plain
No sad songs, no feelings of remorse
No big coffin, no biography recourse
I want your love now
Not tomorrow
However you can show it
It's yours to give, not borrowed
Forgive me for seeming cynical
But how can you enjoy me without breath?
My advice, my friendship
How will we benefit each other after death?
Make me a deal
I'm not that hard to please
Contain it within my birthday timeline
And then we'll both be at ease
All I'm trying to say is
(And I'm cutting this short)
What's the point of appreciating me
If it's only when I'm dead you exhort.S.K.Malcolm
The ups and downs of being Sapphie
PuisiThis is a collection of different poems that I wrote, some are about me and some are inspired by other people, life and things. There is no one genre for them and some were written when I was quite young. Vote, comment and share, I love to hear from...