The sad truth

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I was once a deep dark secret
That no one would ever tell
I was an overflowing fountain
A never ending well
But I'm slowly spilling over
Becoming an open book
What was once a peak
Is now a bold look

I wonder if people can't see the pain?
Didn't I already pathetically make it plain?
I flaunt my melancholy around like it's a welcome friend
Instead of trying to make it end
I let it ink up my pages
A reminder of seemingly endless wages
I pay in search of happiness and love

I use to be a little dark blot
Now I'm a big ugly black spot
Staining the white light
Because it refused to shine on me
I could've sworn I had recovered
Disappointingly I discovered
My crying disorder
My desperate search to lay some
Of my burden on a somebody else

Well then what do you think?
This is me always on the brink
Of tears, the sorry-ass girl who
Hears & feels everyone else's pain
Although she's still a big stain
On her own happiness
Yet she cures your stress
And for what!?
A small satisfaction
No happiness; peace? A fraction

Ironic huh?
No one understands her,
Me, no one tries
Although I beg and plead
Looks as if I'm the most
Complicated of all
But it could be
That their brains are too small
What I need is my own living diary
My own intimate counselor

Something like a soulmate
But a lot more
And you can bet a sorry-ass
Girl like me, ain't gonna
Find any for sure.


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