Chapter 1

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Brendon fidgets around the sofa nervously. Sometimes he would wipe the little drops of sweat on his forehead (fivehead) as your Mom's eyes glare at him. "Mom, please." You whisper to your Mom, quietly nudge her on the arm to break the tension. "Oh, don't mind me. Go entertain the guest. I'm just waiting for the chicken." Your Mom said, then continue glaring at Brendon. You facepalm. "But Moooommmm, you're making him uncomfortable." "Good then." Your Mom smirks at Brendon as more sweats are dripping down his cheeks and chin.

"H-how's your day Mrs. L/n?" Brendon finally speaks, trying to lighten up the mood. "It was good. Until you came." Was your Mom's reply. You let out a loud sigh. Brendon gulps. Thank God coz the oven makes a 'ding!' sound, signaling that the chicken is done, so your Mom gets up from the sofa and heads into the kitchen. You move to sit next to Brendon. "Hey, I'm sorry about my Mom acting that way." You put a hand on his thigh reassuringly. "Y-your Mom sure is scary." Brendon fans himself, before he continues, "But I deserve this. After all the misery I put you in." You smile at him, the hand on his thigh moves to catch his hand in yours.

So here's the situation right now, all the students of your batch are on a break after years of learning. You have even graduated high school a couple week ago. Everyone's enjoying their spare time while planning on what to do in future after this. Some are even waiting for any offer from universities. As for you and Brendon, you take this opportunity to get to know each other more, make up all the time you've missed together since the school days.

Today, you decided to invite Brendon to your house and have lunch together with your Mom. After the two of you declared as a couple, you finally found the courage to tell your Mom about it. Your Mom, of course was surprised, and a bit hesitant to accept the news. But things already happened, and her daughter seems happy with the man of her choice now. Though she is still mad about all the heartbreaks Brendon used to give you.

A slight cough catches both of your attention. You and Brendon let go of your hands at the same time, a bit startled by your mother's sudden presence. "Lunch is ready." With that, she goes back into the dining room. You stare at each other, before giving Brendon a slight smile. "You'll be fine." Then you pat him on the back. You quickly kiss his cheek before running towards the other room, giggling with a blushing face. Brendon is caught off guard, hand goes to his cheek. He's blushing himself, then gets up to join you and your Mom.

The lunch goes okay, though there are some awkward moments sometimes. Like right now, again, Brendon is trying to be nice by complimenting your Mom's dish. "This is very good, Mrs. L/n." But he is truly being honest. He really enjoys the chicken. Your Mom looks at him for a moment, then she says, "Oh really? Aren't you scared I might put rat poison or cockroaches in it?" Brendon drops his fork. Your Mom can't be serious, can she? But she sounded super serious, and Brendon almost believe it 100%.

Sweats begin to appear on his face again. But your loud laugh caught his attention. You've had enough of your mother's tricks. You wanna be mad, but this time, it's just too far, and way too funny. Your Mom joins you, laughing out loud while still at the table. Brendon looks at you, then your Mom, then you again. He let out a nervous laugh, before looking down while playing with a broccoli on his plate with a fork.

Your Mom do notice the sour face of Brendon, then she smiles to herself. "So, how does it feel to break the heart of your loved one?" Your Mom suddenly asks him. This makes both you and Brendon turn to look at her. The situation's getting a bit serious. But Brendon answers your Mom sincerely. "Awful. And I truly regret it. Till now, I still can't forgive myself. I really really love your daughter, Mrs. L/n. I feel bad for hurting her feelings before. I'll make it up for those horrible moments. Y/n deserve to be treated like a princess."

Hearing those words from Brendon melt your heart. You're touched, and almost cry right there and then. Your Mom being there is the only reason you're not. Your Mom turns her attention towards you. You quickly look down, blushing. Again, your Mom smiles to herself, before she turns to look back at Brendon. "You got a good heart, young man." Your Mom compliment him. She can sense that Brendon was being serious just now.

Brendon's eyes lit with excitement. Your Mom finally likes him. "I'll take good care of Y/n, I promise." He said it with confidence. Throughout the lunch, he can't take the smile off of his face. You're happy as well, knowing that everything's settled between your Mom and him. The afternoon is well-spent. The three of you share all the good moments together. You've never been this happy before.

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