Chapter 9

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Brendon put you down, and treats you like a princess. He pulls the chair out for you, before giving you a slight bow. You chuckle at his politeness; that's so unlike him. Or perhaps, this is how he behaves at home? It really contradicts the him back at school before. Nevertheless, you love him anyway. He pours you a glass of wine. You feel a bit awkward, having this fancy lunch without any adult around. You two barely make it into adulthood. It's too early for stuff like that. You're still young.

"Brendon?" "Hmm?" He hums back in response, hands pouring another glass of wine. "Just wondering, would you prefer pizza right now?" You play with your fingers, eyes casting down. "Heck yeah. Fuck all these fancy foods." He put the wine bottle down, a bit too eager, and walk away from the table. "I'll call the pizza. You go pick a movie." You're relieved to know that Brendon has the same idea as you. Yepp, the lunch that has been set up for you guys is too much.

You smile to yourself, before getting up from the chair and go towards where Brendon has pointed just now. You look through the shelves, he has quite some movies that you like. "Alright, pizzas will be here in 15 minutes. I'll make some popcorns." Brendon appears in the tv room to tell you about the pizza, then is about to go into the kitchen. "Oh, but not before this." He approaches you and stand next to you, kissing you on the cheek.

You're caught off guard, so you blush hard, then playfully punch his arm, "Brendon, that could wait." Brendon laughs at your tomato face, "No it cannot. I can't resist it. I must give you a kiss before I make the popcorn." then he continues laughing, and receive another punch from you. He still laughs as he makes his way into the kitchen. You can only shake your head at your boyfriend's cute act as a smile creeps onto your face.

* fastforward to somewhere in the middle of the movie *

Currently you're nuzzled close to his chest. Everytime you take a breath, the smell of him makes you even more comfy, that you barely watch the tv. And you don't think Brendon is focusing on the movie too, coz he's enjoying your company by his side, as a hand of his moves slowly to play with a strand of your hair. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, while his are around your waist, securing you on the sofa.

You smile as you cuddle more, but suddenly lift your face up to look at him. "We don't keep the food in the fridge." Brendon looks down and locks eyes with you. "We're halfway through the movie, and only now you care about the food? But Honey, it's really comfortable now." He moves and snuggle onto your neck. You can't hold the tiny giggle that slips your mouth. "But baby, the food will go bad." Brendon keeps silent for a moment before replying with a "Meh." Then both of you laugh together.

The two of you continue 'watching' the movie, before you let out a yawn. "Babe, you're sleepy already?" Brendon moves a bit so that he could look at you properly. "No. Well, actually yeah. Wait, no. Just a bit. Because it's very comfy and my eyes feel heavy." You smile at your loving boyfriend with droopy eyes. "Oh no no no. You're not going to sleep yet. It's too early." Brendon let go of you. Yeah, he did have a point there. It's still early and you want to spend your time to the fullest with your boyfriend.

"I know what we can do." He wiggles his eyebrows at you as he said that. You quirk an eyebrow at him. What does he have in mind? "Let's go." He suddenly takes you by the hand and pulls you off the couch and leads you upstairs. Then both of you stop in front of a room, it looks like a girl's room. Brendon goes inside and leaves you at the doorframe. "Whose room is it? And what are you doing?" You're referring to him opening a drawer and begins to look for something.

"It's my sister's room. And we're going swimming!" He pulls a bikini and show it to you. Your face turns bright red, as you thought about how you never show that much of skin around Brendon. "Too sexy? bout this one?" Brendon pulls another bikini, a less revealing one. Then you say something, "You intrude your sister's room and begin rummaging through her drawer just like that??" "Well, it's something that we don't mind about. At least for me." He grins at you. You've learned that Brendon does whatever he likes in this house, without minding whether his other siblings like it or not.

You roll your eyes playfully at him, then go inside to start changing. You start pulling on the hem of your dress, then suddenly stop. You turn around to meet with Brendon's gaze. "Do you mind?" "What if I want to stay and watch?" You gasp at him, though you can't hide the slight blush on your cheeks. "Out now. Off you go!" You turn him around and push him out of the room. Meanwhile, Brendon just laughs his heart out at you. To him, he finds your reaction really cute, and you're always cute in his eyes.

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