Chapter 12

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A/N : This chapter is suddenly a bit longer than all the previous :/ Guess I got carried away while writing it

The party is only two days from now. To be honest, you're not that keen for it, but thinking that you finally get to spend some good time with your friends, makes you a bit excited. Currently, you're going through your closet, looking at all the options on what you should wear for that party. Then your phone rings, so you go to get it from your bedside drawer. Looking at the caller, it's Brendon.

"Hey, love. You seem like forgetting me. Please tell me its not true." Hearing his voice as you pick up the call, you let out a small laugh. "Oh, Brendon. Of course not. So why are you calling?" Well, actually, you rarely keep in touch with him since your last visit to his house. Plus, yesterday your friends came and brought you the good news. And you get a little excited over the idea of having fun with them, so your focus is more on envisioning the fun you'll be having.

But whatever, it's just a small matter. Then came Brendon's voice. "I actually wanna ask you to go to a party with me!" Uh-oh. He sounds cheery. Could it be the same party that F/n and Patrick have been mentioning? "Oh...umm. Whose party?" "You remember Pete? Yeah, it's one of his friends'. & I know that guy too. Soooo, I can't wait to drag you along there, and show you off to everyone at the party!" You can sense the smug in his voice on the other side of the line.

You don't know what to feel, or even say right now. "Wow, that's great Brendon! But..." You pause for a second, taking a breath and just go with it. "I'm going with F/n and Patrick." You can only hear silence from Brendon, then you continue, "I'm sorry, cheesepuff. They asked me first yesterday. & I can't say no, it's been long since I last hung up with them. But hey, we can still meet there. & this is real good news for me! I get to chill with my friends, and see you there too!"

You try to cheer him up. "Yeah, you got a point there." Phew, lucky you, he's not upset. "So, I'll meet you there. & I'll put on my best just for you. Bye love!" You told him, before he replied with a "Goodbye, Angel." With that, the conversation end, and you put the phone down. You become more hyped after knowing that Brendon will be there too. You go through the closet again, and decided to dress up a bit extra, because you're feeling happy now.

* So, it's the day of the party - currently 9.30 pm *

"Gosh, I'm really sorry. If only my car weren't acting up, we would have been at the party earlier." "For the 100th time, Patrick. IT'S OKAY." You didn't mean to be mad at him, but you sounded a lil bit annoyed. Not because of the late thingy, but because he's been apologizing since the start of the journey. The three of you were supposed to go to the party on time. But like he said earlier, his car couldn't be started, resulting in the three of you being quite late now. You're currently at the backseat, while F/n is next to him.

F/n looks at you, and gives you the face that says 'I'm sorry about Patrick'. Then she turns towards Patrick, to grab one of his hand in hers. "Baby, like Y/n said, it's okay. You don't have to apologize many times. It's not even your fault, okay?" Patrick glance at F/n lovingly, as you watch them from the back. F/n is indeed perfect for Patrick. She knows what to say, and makes him feel better. Now you feel kinda bad.

The three of you has finally arrived, and got out of the car. F/n makes her way towards the front door first, Patrick is locking his car, and you stay with him for a bit. "I'm sorry about what happened in the car just now." You told him honestly. Patrick lifts his face up to look at you. "Hmm? Oh, about that? Don't mind about it. I'm sorry for constantly saying 'sorry'." You laugh a bit at him.

"See? You're doing it again. Don't say sorry if you didn't do anything wrong, okay?" You gave him a piece of advice as a friend to a friend. He smiles at you. "I'll bear that in mind. Thank you, Y/n." You return his smile, before saying, "Let's go." With that, the three of you enter Joe's house, where the party is being held. Your eyes widen at how wild things are going inside, though it's still under control, you guess.

You can see from the corner of your eyes, people are passing around the bad stuff, some are doing the indecent acts, but you pay no attention to all of that. F/n suddenly tugs on the hem of your shirt, to catch your attention. "Hey Y/n, me & Patrick are going to that group of people. Wanna come along?" She yell over the loud blaring music. You smile a bit to her, then use the same volume, "I think I'll be looking for Brendon first. You two have fun."

Then she waves you off, Patrick pulling her by the hand towards the group. After that, your eyes begin to wildly scan the area. No sight of Brendon, but of course, that bitchy Sarah would be here. You saw her going up the stairs, giggling in a flirty manner. You roll your eyes, and quickly avert them towards elsewhere. So you continue looking for Brendon. Calling him by the phone would be useless now. This place is so loud, bet he can't even hear it ringing.

As your eyes are roaming around the room, they finally landed on Brendon. "Brendon!" He's quite a distance from you. You try making your way towards him, but getting push by the people around makes it harder. "Brendon!" You called him once again, still it failed. He starts walking away from his initial spot. 'Oh no.' You thought to yourself, while trying your best to reach him before he goes.

Your eyes follow his figure, and he's heading...upstairs? Hmm, you wonder whether something interesting is going on up there. You don't get to greet Brendon before he starts going up. When you finally make it passed all those people, you get your feet up there as well. There's a long hallway, with many doors to many rooms along it. You cautiously walk through the hallway, face turning to each of the rooms.

You can see a couple in the first room, doing the 'thing', making you blush, though it's disgusting, and quickly look away. You try to get rid of the horrid image in your mind. But, as you walk further, you suddenly feel uneasy. There's a knot in your stomach. You really hope Brendon's not here, but obviously he just took the stairs upward. You start to sweat nervously, while your footsteps are getting slower.

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