Chapter 13

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S/n : your street name or whatever

You stop, aren't planning to take further step forward. 'All these aren't worth it.' You told yourself. What if you see something you dislike? You don't wanna take that risk. You turn around, ready to go back down to the party. But something caught you dead in your track. More like a voice. A voice of someone familiar. "Oh, Brendon!" It was quite a loud moan, and you definitely sure it belongs to Sarah. But what you heard after is even more heart-wrecking.

"Fuck! Just take off the goddamn dress." You're on the verge of tears. But rage takes over somehow, and forces your feet to walk further and barge into one of the rooms there, the one you're very sure Brendon and Sarah are in. The door slammed open with a loud bang as it hits the wall next to it. Both Brendon and Sarah's face lift upward and meet your figure in the doorway.

Brendon's eyes go wide, as he mutters your name under his breath, though you can still hear the regret in his tone. Meanwhile Sarah just rolls her eyes at you. Normally, you would have charge forward and punch the shit out of him. But you're glued on the floor somehow. And the rage from before, disappears into thin air, replaced by intensify sadness. You quickly make a run out of the room, straight downstairs. You can barely hear Brendon calling for your name, but who cares right now?

You make through the crowd, in great attempt to get out of there as soon as possible. But the loud music, and people dancing in their own crazy ways, aren't helping your messed up mind right now. You almost feel dizzy looking at your surroundings. Until your head bumps onto someone's back. That's when you kinda regain your consciousness back. The person turns to look at you.

You lift your face up, and recognize the fro he has. You feel like you've seen him somewhere before. Oh, right! He's with Mikey and all his other friends, but they are all nowhere to be seen around there, even Mikey. Perhaps he's the only one being invited to this party out of their group. Without thinking, a question slips out of your mouth, "Do you have a car?" The guy quirks an eyebrow at you.

He inspects your face closer, and sees that your eyes are red and puffy. He would have just told you to fuck off or something, but knowing that you're kinda dealing with a crisis right now, makes him says, "Uhh,..sure?" As weird as it may seem, it is you that drag him by the arm, and out of that place. When both of you go through the front door, you stop him at the doorstep and ask, "Where's your car?" "I-it's there..." The guy points at his car, and you quickly make your way there, not minding the guy being awkward at all.

He follows you to his own car, and unlocks it while you wait impatiently on the other side. You're the first to get into the car, then he joins and starts the engine. Afraid to ask where you're going, he begins driving away from there, and just heads nowhere. A few minutes of silence as he drives around the neighbourhood, he finally has the courage to have a chat with you. "You're Y/n, right?" You never expect that's the first question he would ask.

Surprised, you turn to look at him. "How did you know my name?" "Mikey talks about you with us. Told us how great of a person you are. And seeing you like that at the party, affected me more or less." You're speechless, you couldn't think of something to say back. Luckily he beats you at that. "So where do you live?" "Umm...S/n." "Okay, I know where that is." He turns the steering wheel and starts going the right way.

You're overwhelmed, it's really heart-warming to know that you're surrounded by such nice people. You've been wrong all this while, to consider them like one of those scary mean people. "I didn't catch your name." "It's Ray." You only gave him an 'okay' as a reply, before everything goes back to silence. Then you start talking again, "Do you know F/n and Patrick?" "Well, I know Patrick is the new guy, but not really. Though I always see F/n with you around school." "Well, I know that I've been such a bother, but could you please tell them that I left and already at home?"

"Sure thing. I'll tell them once I get back to the party." You smile at Ray. "Thanks." Soon, you reach your house, and get out of the car, not before thanking Ray again and again. Ray is about to start driving back to Joe's, then he pulls the window down, "I'll let Mikey knows about you as well." Your smile widens. "That's very nice of you Ray." With that, you bid him goodbye, and get inside. You almost forgot about being mad at Brendon, thanks to these nice people around you.

A/N : Okay, I know that all of their age start making no sense, I mean...they are all basically like, the same age. But, can we not pay attention to that? Just, carry on with the story??? :/ Consider it my fucking mistake for not planning it that well.

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