Chapter 16

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A/N : This chapter is more like a filler..... :/ but enjoy it anyways

On the way back to your home, you'll come across this one particular bookstore; specifically, the one Mikey works in. And at the exact time as well, Mikey just finished his daily shift, waving one of his colleagues goodbye, and turns towards the front door. That's when he sees you walking in quite a rush, with your head hanging low. 'Y/n?' He thought to himself, and try to catch up with you.

He quickly takes his bag and slings it over his shoulder, before slightly jogging out of the bookstore. "Y/n!" No response from you. He quirks an eyebrow and runs even faster. "Hey, Y/n!" He jogs some more and finally right beside you. But it confuses him when you don't stop at all. He's pretty sure it's obvious that you should notice his presence by now. So he put his hands on your shoulder, then turn your around to face him so that you stop walking.

"Hey, I called your name many times. You okay?" He inspects your face, eyes go wide as he realizes your puffy eyes and red cheeks. He put both hands on your cheeks, and they are still wet from all the tears and crying. You realize his presence finally, but remain silent, numb as before. "Oh no." said Mikey and engulfs you in a warm hug. That's when you turn into loud sobs as you cling onto him. Mikey keeps calming you down, hand strokes your hair and down your back.

He guides you towards a bench under a nearby tree. Luckily it's quite deserted today, so there's not many people around, only one or two passersby on the pavement. You're still clinging onto him while he put his chin on top of your head. He gives you some times to relax, and when you're ready, you lift your face up, and meet his. He looks down at you, ready to listen whenever you're ready.

You feel kinda awkward to be in that position so you break the hug and scoot a bit away from him. You wipe your cheeks then look at him. "I think I made a mistake. Falling for him." Mikey is quite surprised to hear that from you. You even sounded determined. "Are you sure?" He knows who you're talking about. You stare in the distance for a sec, then give him a slight nod. Truth is, inside, you're not even sure about it. How can you think about things when it's a mess up there in your head?

It was silent for a moment as neither both of you knows what to say. Mikey looks down on his hand in his lap, slightly nervous for no reason. Then you speak, "How do I look?" You turn fully towards him, and spread your arms open. "I would say you look beautiful, but considering the situation now.....well, you don't look so good." You let out a laugh, he joins you with a softer one. "Yeah, I know. How am I supposed to go home now? I don't want my Mama to look at me like this."

You let out a sigh, both hands on your cheeks as you slouch forward. Mikey thought for a while. He has an idea coming, but kinda scared to say it, but goes with it anyway. "How about you crash at my place?" You look at him with a blank expression. For a second, he thought you dislike the idea. "You're okay with that? Won't I be a bother?" Oh, you're worried about that. He doesn't mind at all, he likes it even more actually.

"Nah, you need some place to be, and as a friend, I want to help you." You smile sincerely, "Thank you, Mikey." With that, you give him a quick hug, then he leads you away from the bench and towards his house. It's a medium house, just like yours, and Mikey introduces you to his mother first, who's in the kitchen preparing dinner for that night. Donna is a lovely lady, and very nice too. Then he takes you to meet his brother.

"The basement is his room actually. He likes dark and cold places." You laugh at Mikey making annoyed faces. Both of you are on the top flight of stairs when Mikey tells you something, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, that me and the other guys will be rehearsing this evening. So you get to meet the whole band. Is it okay with you?" Well, to say you're okay would be a lie. But you're already here, so you'll just go with it, even if you're not ready to interact with people now. You nod your head slowly, then the two of you get down the stairs together.

"Hey guys." Mikey greets the other guys. All of them lift their faces up from their instruments, and immediately their eyes fall on you. You almost shiver because you don't like to be the attention, plus these guys have got some reputation back then during school years. But you brace yourself nevertheless. You raise your hand and wave at them, eyes going from one person to another, until they meet Ray. Your smile widens because you've met him before, and he's a very nice guy.

After all the introductions, you've learned that they're not bad and scary at all, in fact, they are the opposite of that. You sit on the sofa and watch them the whole time. Mikey's brother, Gerard, really has good voice. You would love to watch each one of them, but that would be awkward since you just met them. So you keep your attention mostly on Mikey. And everytime you turn to look at him, you would catch him already looking at you, but he looks away as he accidentally makes eye contact with you.

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