Chapter 4

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A/N : Before you get mad at me for not updating in centuries (remember me for centuries 🎵), enjoy this next part :D

f/c : favourite coffee

Bren bren <3 : Hey babe. Whatcha doin' today?

Y/n : Nothing much. Just a date :P

You're pretty sure his eyes are wide as he read your reply or if he's laying around on his bed, he must've fallen down.

Bren bren <3 : The fuck...

Y/n : Easy boy XP I'm only meeting a friend

Bren bren <3 : A guy or a girl???

Y/n : Pumpkin, we already talked about this. You can't prevent me from going out with my friends. Even if it's a boy 😊 😊 😊

It takes longer for him to reply this time. You're a bit worried. Is Brendon mad at you? But what you said is true. He can't control your life.

Bren bren <3 : I'm sorry love :( Have fun out there xoxo

Y/n : I love you xoxo

Bren bren <3 : Love ya more <3 <3 <3

* 20 minutes before *

You were just scrolling through some social medias, bored as hell, and coming up with a plan to go out with Brendon today was not an option. You can't meet him everyday, like there's nothing left for you two to do. Both of you are in a healthy relationship where none should control the other's life. Just carry on with daily life, and keep reminding that you love each other no matter what. You were laughing at some memes when you received a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" "Hi, is this Y/n?" "Yepp. 'Problematic' speaking." You can hear the person on the other line laughed. "Hey Y/n, how's your day so far?" "Pretty boring. Only memes are humoring me today. Hahaa." Mikey kept quiet for a bit, before he talked into the phone again. "Umm...wanna grab some coffee??" He sounded nervous. Why should he be nervous? It was just a friend asking to hang out at Starbucks or something.

"Sure." came your reply, with a smile on your face. Then you heard Mikey let out a breath. "Nice! S-so, I'll meet you at Starbucks in an hour?" "That sounds wonderful. I'll see you there." With that, both of you hung up. You're a bit relieved to know that you're finally doing something today other than having your eyes glued to the phone. Not wasting anymore time, you got up from bed and started getting ready. That's when Brendon texted you and asked about your day.

* back to present *

You say goodbye to your Mom and lock the door before going down the doorsteps. You're actually excited about meeting Mikey. He seems like a nice guy, and you want to get to know him more, who knows you guys might end up being best buddies? You walk along the neighbourhood with a smile plastered on your face. As you enter Starbucks, your eyes scan around and spot a grey beanie that's familiar to you. His back is facing you, so you approach the guy and tickle him on the side. "Jesus! Shi- Oh, it's you Y/n."

You laugh at his overly-surprised reaction. His face was full of anger, but melt to a soft one, with pink tint on his cheeks, once he saw it was you actually. "You're here quite early." "Yeah, coz I wanna surprise you with my choice of coffee." He then passes you one of the coffees in front of him. "I see you already ordered for me. Kay, let's see whatcha got." "I bet you're gonna love it." He gives you a smug look, which makes you roll your eyes playfully at him.

You take a sip, and it's actually pretty good. "Wow, Mikey. As much as I love f/c, this one's not bad at all." Mikey is beaming with proud. "Thanks for introducing me to this new stuff." You smile a soft smile at him, and that makes him go weak. His face goes a bit red again. Hmm, you don't have good feelings bout it. "Y/n..." and there he goes. "I kinda like you, ya know." You laugh nervously at him before you speak, "Haha. I like you too." "No. I don't think you get it." You gulp at what he's about to say next.

'Oh no, not that same case with Patrick before!'You thought to yourself.

A/N : I feel like a shitty writer coz 1)it's a short one, i know 2)I've been gone for a long time, and this is the only content I'm giving? I probably broke a lot of hearts :( 3)I left you guys on cliffhanger for this one, more solid reasons to feel shitty

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