Chapter 22

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A/N : Phew, almost a month since I last updated...hope this chapter is worth the wait :)

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mikey asks you for like the hundredth time, making you feel a bit annoyed, but it's not his fault. "Yeah, Mikey. I'm fine." You rub both of your hands together, slightly feeling like the weather is a bit cold today, or is it because you are super nervous right now? Currently, both of you are standing next to each other, waiting anxiously nearby a big tree, eyes roaming around to look for any familiar figures, Brendon and Dallon precisely.

Soon, the two come into view. You and Mikey suddenly become stiff, neither say anything as the two men approaching. Brendon and Dallon realize that you've brought along Mikey, and is quite surprised, especially Brendon, because nobody was informed that you'll bring someone to join you guys today. It was a stupid idea of yours, but you don't think so. You're quite terrified about the whole meet-up, that you've made a mistake of asking Mikey to tag along, hoping he'll make you feel less nervous.

Oh, if only you knew how wrong you were. Brendon suddenly stops in his track, his facial expression changes into something unpleasant. Realizing his friend is not beside him, Dallon turns around and look at Brendon. "Brendon, what's wrong?" He tries to reach for his friend, when suddenly Brendon walks furiously passes him, and towards you and Mikey. 'Uh oh.' That's probably what the three of you thought inside your heads.

"Why are you here??!" Brendon rudely points at Mikey, as he's charging towards Mikey. Poor Mikey, already trembling and shaking. While you're watching the scene before you, your eyebrows knitted in anger. You almost make a move to protect Mikey, but Dallon beats you at that. "Hey, Brendon. Listen here." He catches Brendon, trying his best to pull his friend backward, before God knows what Brendon would do to Mikey.

The two walk further away for a moment, leaving you and Mikey alone again. The atmosphere is unpleasantly quiet as you watch them talk silently to each other. 'Keep Goddamn calm for a bit.' and 'Do your best.' Are the only things you overheard from their conversation. You exchange glances with Mikey, knowing Mikey's been watching them as well. It's not been that long, but it feels like forever to you, before Dallon and Brendon slowly make their way back to you and Mikey.

The two stops right in front of you and Mikey, then Brendon speaks, "Why is he here?" He repeats the question, except calmer this time. Then it's Dallon, "Yeah, Y/n. Why is Mikey here??" There's something in his tone, dropping a hint for you as if saying 'Why did you bring Mikey here? You'll only make things worse.' By this time, you start contemplating whether your action was right or wrong. You're quiet a hard-headed person, so you're still defending your act. "Why can't he? This thing is only between me and you, Brendon. But why the heck is Dallon here? So I thought why not bring someone who could support me as well???"

Hearing that from you, everyone is quite stunned and taken aback, including Mikey. Brendon then let out a loud sigh. "Fuck. Whatever." Dallon quickly interrupts, as he saw his friend almost lost his enthusiasm, he's afraid the plan will go South too. "Brendon, there's something you would like to say, right?" Dallon looks right into his best friend's eyes. Brendon shuts his mouth for a few second, but finally breaks that big ego of his.

"I'm sorry." At first, it came out more like a mumble or something, because he's been keeping his gaze low. But the second time he says it, it sounds more genuine and clearer. "I'm sorry,...Y/n." He finally lifts his face up and looks at you. Gosh, you miss that soothing voice. "I'm sorry that I've been such a dick. I was a moron for talking to you like that. I messed up, I was really miserable without you...I miss you." Awwh, You swear to yourself that you almost melt right there and then. Your heart was touched by his honest words. However, Brendon continues some more.

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