Chapter 17

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A/N : Aaaannnddd another filler kinda chapter :/ I'm sorry, hope you still enjoy

"But you know what, there's this one time he missed a step on the stairs and fell on his ass. It was fucking hilarious! & he thought no one saw that, I was actually there! Hahahaa!!" Frank is clutching his stomach, almost rolls over from the couch. The whole group burst out laughing, including you as well. Currently, all of you are talking about Brendon, mostly about him being an ass. It was Mikey's idea actually, to make you feel better, you guess. & it did work. Talking shits about Brendon makes you feel a lil bit relieved.

"You guys remember that fight he got into with Fred? That was kinda the highlight of the year." Ray joins in. "Yeah, he got beaten quite bad. Lucky for him, Dallon and the others kinda saved him and dragged him out of that shit." Everyone agrees with Mikey, before he continues, "But there's another thing that became hot gossip that year. Y/n pouring that slushie over his head." Frank goes "Oooofff..." while Ray claps his hand as he couldn't agree more with Mikey. Gerard just let out a laugh, hand on his head as he leans back onto the couch.

You laugh along with the guys, before you speak, "It was a milkshake, actually. & I never thought anyone was paying attention at that time." "Are you kidding me? That was like the best thing that ever happened! That shithead deserved it for being such a dick." Gerard turns to look at you, with a smirk plastered on his face as he thought about that moment. Hmm, seems like a lot of people hate Brendon actually. You feel kinda bad for him.

"Welp, it's getting pretty late guys. I think I'm gonna leave." Ray put the beer can down on the coffee table, and starts getting off the couch, giving himself a good stretch. "I'll go with you. It's quite dark outside. & I don't wanna walk alone. Luckily Ray's here to be my hero & protect me from whatever fuckin crawling creatures out there." Frank's face goes from disgust of his arachnophobia, to puppy dog eyes as he looks at Ray. All of you laugh at him, except Ray who's rolling his eyes. "Whatever Frank. I'll drop you off at your house but no stopping by the store to get ice cream or whatever, okay??"

This makes you laugh harder, imagining Frank's punk look, but his loves for ice cream. Frank glares at Ray, with a slight blush. "Fuck you, Ray." "Another bad word and you're off on your own." Ray challenges him with a smirk on his face. "Ugh!" Frank stomps out of the basement, the others are still laughing at him. Then the three of you bid goodbyes to Ray before he's out of Way's house too. You sit in peace for a moment, before Gerard turns to look at both you and Mikey.

"What?" Mikey questions his brother. "Aren't you two going back to your room? Go have sex or something. I got a lot of work to do down here." Hearing that makes both of you turn into a deep shade of red, while saying in unison, "Gerard!" Gerard's back is facing you two now as he's working on something on his work desk, though you can kinda feel that he's smirking. "I-I...W-we wouldn't do that." Mikey stutters a lot. "Y-yeah. We're not lovers." You try to help with the situation. Gerard looks back at the two of you. "Yeah, whatever. I don't trust you."

Mikey rolls his eyes at his brother, though face is still red, then he takes your hand in his. "Let's just get out of here." So the two of you climb up the stairs and into the living room, where Donna is. The three of you chat for a bit, before deciding to just go to bed. Donna is okay with the idea of you sleeping in the same room with Mikey, so you can't actually say anything anymore. You follow Mikey up to his room, and it's kinda awkward for a moment.

The two of you stand in his doorway. "Sooo...this is my room." He smiles sheepishly at you. Not quite sure what to say, you go with whatever comes into mind. "It's lovely." You return his smile. "You can have the bed, I'll put on some futon on the floor and sleep there." "Hey, it's okay. I can sleep on the floor. It's your bed." "Y/n, you're the guest here. I can't let you sleep on the floor. It's okay, have the bed to yourself." He finishes with a genuine smile. Oh, he's such a gentleman. Plus the fact that he rarely smile, and always smile whenever you're around, makes you feel special. You finally agree with him, and get onto the bed.

The two of you talk about random things, before Mikey slowly falls asleep. He's a bit tired from all the working at the bookshop and band practice. But you're still wide awake, and decide to check on your phone, after ignoring the device for the whole day. A text from your Mom replying "Okay, sweetie. Have good times there :D" after you told her about staying the night at Mikey's. Your mother is more than glad to know that. She really likes this Mikey person.

There are also other texts from your friends, especially F/n, asking about you. And you think it's about time to tell them about what happened, now that you feel a bit okay, thanks to Mikey. So you text her about a meet up tomorrow. You put your phone off, then get into a deep slumber. You're tired too, from all the broken-hearted feelings Brendon gave you. You're emotionally distress and a good night sleep is what you really need now.

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