Chapter 7

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You slightly push your feet against the sandy texture below, and the swing move backward, forward, and so on, in a slow pace. You're still in a very bad mood after that incident in the café, and going back home now is not the best idea. Your Mom would definitely bombard you with questions and Brendon would be back on your Mom's hate list. So that explains why you're at the playground, cooling yourself down.

You're almost back to normal while breathing in the cool fresh air, when Brendon decides to show up at that exact moment. Your eyebrows creased in anger, "Y/n!!" Brendon shouts from where he's standing, he looks slightly panicking and jogs a bit as he makes his way towards you. At that exact moment as well, you get off the swing, and ready to get the fuck out of there as you turn on your heels. But Brendon manages to grab both of your arms before you get the chance to walk away.

"Y/n, hey. Listen, please..." You then push his hands away. "What now, Brendon?!! I'm getting frickin' tired of your frickin' attitude. Just, leave me alone!" Brendon still won't leave you alone. In fact, he goes back to grab your attention. Yeah, that's so typical of Brendon. He won't easily give up. "Y/n...please, I'm begging you. Can I at least say something?" By this time, Brendon is on the verge of tears. He looks like a lost child, who doesn't seem to have a clue on what to do.

Aww. You secretly lose to his puppy dog eyes. Afterall, he IS your boyfriend. You can't give up on the bond you two created just like that. You finally give in, and let out a sigh. "K fine. What is it?" You finally turn to look at him properly. Brendon let out a breath shakily. "Okay...I know what I did just now was totally bad. I shouldn't have got mad at your friend like that...I shouldn't have embarrassed you in front of people...&, I have no right to control your life..." He stops to look down at his feet in shame.

You cross your arms over your chest, still a bit mad at him. Then he continues, "Y/n, I'm a messed up person. I have no patience, and I'm very hot-tempered. I can't help myself but to get fucking jealous, coz I've been wanting you as a part of my life since long ago...I'm afraid I might lose you." It came out more of a whisper at the last part. Nevertheless, you heard it, and it soften your heart.

"I'm very sorry Y/n. Please don't leave me. I-I know I'm asking a lot but...can you help me become a better person?" You're 100% no longer mad at him. You actually melt at his words, it shows how important you are to him. A small smile plays on your lips, but Brendon doesn't see that since he's still staring at his shoes. But his face lifted up when he feels a pair of arms around his neck, engulfing him in a warm hug. You're not planning to let go any sooner. A hand then goes to rub his back soothingly.

He's taken aback for a moment, then realizes that you just forgave him, so he hugs you back tightly, face buried in the crook of your neck, while taking in your scent. Few seconds later, you feel a few drops of tears on your shoulder, then you push him slightly away to break the hug. "Are you crying?" Concern laces your voice as you scan his red face. Brendon sniffles a bit, and wipe away the tears.

"Oh, Brendon." You hug him again, this time more lovingly. "I forgive you. & I never plan to leave you now, or ever. We'll make this through, together, okay?" You put your hand on his cheek, thumb drawing circles soothingly. Brendon smiles at you, then peck your lips. You let out a tiny giggle before you lurch forward and kiss him properly on the lips. The kiss is full of love yet very tender.

Brendon breaks the kiss just to say, "Let me walk you home. It's getting late." "Sure, love." The two of you intertwine your fingers, and start walking away while holding hands. A few steps later, you ask him, "So, what is it that you wanna talk about? Ya know, the reason you wanna meet at Starbucks initially? You did say that in the text." "Oh, yes, about that..."

He stops in the middle of the walking, making you stop as well. "My parents would love to meet you. They invite you over this weekend." You have mix feelings, but a smile still plastered on your face. For sure you're thrilled to be introduced to Brendon's parents. But at the same time, you get a little scared; what if they don't like you? Though it's too early to think about that. "And you couldn't just tell me in the text??" "I don't know...I think it's more proper to meet you face to face. Besides, I miss your kisses."

He leans closer to kiss you some more. But you're playing hard and tease him. "You dork." You stick your tongue out at him, then playfully push him away, before you start running while giggling. Brendon is glued on the concrete floor for a second before he starts chasing you. "Oh, I am so going to catch you!" You continue running and laughing while Brendon is trailing behind, saying things like "You can't run away from me forever!" and "You owe me some kisses!"

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