Chapter 2

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e/c : eye colour

The day is coming to an end. The sunset shine through your window and give your house a warm feeling. Overall, you enjoy the whole meeting-the-family thing, so did Brendon and your Mom. Now, you and Brendon are on your doorstep, him holding both of your hands lovingly. "Thank you for today, Y/n. I had a very good time." He gives you a sweet soft smile. You can't help the blush on your face. One hand goes to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "It's no big deal, really. Sorry it was awkward at first." Brendon laughs. Oh, his laugh is like music to your ears.

Then suddenly Brendon moves closer, almost closing the gap between you two. You lift your face up and meet his chocolate eyes, already looking at your e/c eyes, before the they move towards your lips. Brendon licks his lips a bit, making you blush more and quickly look at your feet, trying your best to hide the blush. Brendon chuckles at your shyness. You feel his thumb under your chin, lifting your face. You see him smirking and has that bad boy look which you secretly enjoy looking at.

He slowly leans closer, your eyes flutter close but his intently look at you. Both of your lips almost touch, you can even feel his breath on your lips. But your Mom has to break the intimate moment. She taps on the window nearest to the front door. She also has that disapproved face, staring at both of you from inside the house. Both of you turn to look away, Brendon almost rolls his eyes, while you find the grass fascinating to look at. Your mother finally shuts the curtain and goes back inside.

You and Brendon stand awkwardly, knowing nothing to do. It's Brendon who starts to speak, "Sooo...there's this carnival going on tonight, and it's the last day. It's only walking distance from here." You smile brightly at him, "I'd like that. But let me talk to my Mom first." "Great! I'll wait here." So you go inside and plead to you Mom so that you could have a date (a real one this time) with Brendon at the carnival tonight. Brendon leans on a wall, patiently waiting for you.

A few minutes later, you come out and beam at Brendon. "Let's go!" "Your Mom let you?" You nod eagerly at him. "Nice!" Suddenly he picks you up and twirl you around. You put your hands on his shoulders and laugh like a happy child. Then he put you down and peck your lips. You blush because being affectionate with Brendon is still a new thing to you. But that doesn't stop you from giving him back a peck on his lips. Brendon's eyes go wide for a second before he smiles at you while you giggle. So the two of you start walking to the carnival hand in hand.

As you arrived, you are greeted with the smell of popcorns, cotton candies, and lots of other sweets. You drag Brendon by the arm towards a candy stall to get some giant lollipops, and make him get one for himself as well, though he thought it's too childish for him. But he'll do anything for you. He smiles at you adoringly while you busy licking the lollipop. Then you turn to look at him, "What?" "Nothing. I just remembered something." "What is it?" You urge him to tell more.

He looks down for a second then turn to look at you again. "Remember our first 'date'??" He makes quotation with his hands, then he continues, "I gave you a lollipop. But it's a small one, and it's strawberry flavoured." You stop in your track for a moment, staring at him in disbelief. You never thought that he would remember such small details like that. You're touched. " remembered." You mumble a bit to yourself, but enough for Brendon to hear.

Brendon smiles, taking you into his arms. "Of course I remembered. It was like, the highlight of my life. Haven't I told you that I've been having my eyes on you since like...we're 15 or something??" You blush at Brendon's words. You keep on staring at him while he just smiles. Then Brendon continues, "But of course, being the ego prince I am, I won't admit." He puts a hand on his chest dramatically. You laugh at him and lightly punch him on the arm. He laughs along as well. Then he takes you back into his embrace. "But seriously, I cherish that moment so much."

He stares deeply into your eyes, the back of his hand softly caresses your cheek. You're lost, everything around you disappear. It's only the two of you now. "And now, my heart's with you, and yours is mine." With that being said, Brendon leans in to give you the most delicate yet full of love kiss you've ever had in your life. You close your eyes, savouring the moment, never wanting it to end. Both of your hands go around his neck to deepen the kiss.

After a few moments, you break the kiss at the same time. Foreheads leaning against each other as he smiles at you sweetly. You let out a tiny giggle, feeling your cheeks warm and red due to the kiss. And then, both of you proceed with the rides, playing games, and lots of other stuff. The whole time, Brendon stays close to you that you don't feel the cold air from the chilly night at all. You don't mind doing this every night as long as it's with Brendon.

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