Chapter 11

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A/N : This chapter is a lil bit like a filler, I guess...& Brendon isn't much in this one. Still, it makes the plot 🙃

Brendon goes to kiss you back on the lips, a hand of his creeps under the shirt you're currently wearing. You finally decide that you're not ready for it, so you slightly push Brendon off, "What is it, Y/n?" Brendon looks at you straight in the eyes, a hint of lust still lingers in his. At first, you aren't dared to look back at him, that's why you're keeping your gaze low. Then you brace yourself, and open your mouth, "...I-I'm not ready." Silence takes over the atmosphere for a moment.

Brendon looks a bit disappointed, making you feel a little guilty inside. "I'm sorry." You quickly add, touching his cheek delicately. Brendon returns his gaze towards you, a small smile on his lips. The disappointment on his face is washed away, replaced by a tiny joy. He does the same, hand caresses your cheek softly. "It's okay, baby." Now it's your time to smile. Brendon gets off of you, and get up in a sitting position, his back facing you. He probably feels awkward about what just happened.

That's because you're feeling it too. "But I don't mind for some cuddles." Brendon turns to look at you, you're already opening your arms, ready to give Brendon a big hug. He smiles at you, then tackles you in a warm hug. You giggle the whole time he cradles you in his arms, then lift your face to look at him. "Brendon, can you drop me off at my house?" He returns your smile with a sweet one. "Of course, my dear. You don't have to ask." With that, he kisses your forehead, leaving a wide grin on your face.

* So, he dropped you off, then the next days are just like any other regular day (You can see that the author is terribly lazy to write that unimportant part :/) *

It's a random day, you're lazily laying around your bed in weird posses (yeah, I like to do that, when there's no one around :P) You might think that it has become your routine, and it's not a healthy one. But yeah whatever, you like to do it anyway, scrolling through social medias while your back's on the comfiest bed (a perfect spot is always our own bed, isn't it?) Then, the sound of the doorbell has to ruin your perfect lazy day. At first, you're just ignoring it, but your Mom makes you get off the bed.

"Can you please get the door?? I'm busy in the kitchen!" She shouts from the kitchen. You grunt as you're forced to get on your feet. As you're making your way out of your room, and pass the kitchen, you see your Mom is actually doing nothing on her phone. She even sends you a smirk as she saw you walk by. You roll your eyes. Now you know from whom you get that lazy ass of yours. So, you finally have your hand on the doorknob, and twist it, before pulling the door open.

"Surprised!" Your eyes go wide, surprised by the loud voice of the person on your doorstep. Turn's out, the voices belong to F/n and Patrick! "Oh my gosh! It's you guys!!" You pull them both in for a tight hug, so happy to see them again. They both laugh along with you, returning your hug at the same time. "This is indeed a surprise visit! What's up??" You asked them while welcoming them inside. F/n and Patrick go and sit on a sofa, next to each other of course.

You close the door, and turn around to be met with the sight of them holding hands. You smile to yourself, so happy for them. "Who is it, Y/n?" Your Mom is still in the kitchen. "It's just me, Mrs. L/n." Your friend shouted back. "And F/n's boyfriend too." You send them a smirk as you finished saying that. F/n turns to glare at you, meanwhile Patrick goes shy and looks down on the floor. "Really?!" Hearing what you had just said makes your Mom goes all excited suddenly.

She even gets out of the kitchen just to look at this boyfriend of F/n. "Seriously?? You've been in the kitchen the whole day! You only came out after I said that??" You joke around with your Mom. "Of course, knowing who F/n's dating is really important." The whole room laugh at your Mom, except Patrick, who has a bright red face, making all of you laugh even harder.

After feeling bad for laughing at Patrick, you and F/n introduce him to your mother, and all of you has a great introduction. "Okay, I'm gonna leave you guys to catch up and everything." Your Mom left the room, not before giving you a pat on the shoulder. Your focus is now totally on both of them. "So, care to tell me your intention of being here? And how come you're so sure that I'm home??" "Y/n, you tweeted about your boring life like, about an hour ago." F/n told you. Patrick even shows you that tweet from his phone as proof.

You laugh at their seriousness, yet touched by their concern as well. "Thanks guys, you really are the best." F/n and Patrick smiles at you. "But, that's not the only reason we're here." Patrick spoke, before F/n continues, "Oh yeah, right! We actually want you to tag along with us! To this cool party!" "A party eh? Who's throwing it?" "It's Joe. I knew him from Pete. & there'll be a lot of people we know from school too." Patrick tells you with a bit of eagerness.

"So, whaddya say?" They both wait for your answer in anticipation. You put a finger under your chin, thinking for a bit, making them more anxious. You then smile at them, "I'm in."

A/N : I notice that I interrupted this chapter quite often here & there. Guess I just miss talking to you guys :)

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