Chapter 6

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Your fingers gently tap the cup of your drink. Brendon had promised to meet you here at Starbucks, but no sight of him yet so far. You quietly hum to yourself, giving Brendon his own time as you don't wanna be that bitchy type of girlfriend who would get mad at the boyfriend for not being on time and what-so-ever. You actually enjoy the alone time you had now, it's somehow calms you and you like it. But not long after, something brought you out of your own sweet daydream.

You are currently facing the glass window of the café, with a view of a few people walking here and there along the sidewalk. The thing, or more precisely, the person, who has been waving at you eagerly, has caught your attention. You can't help the smile on your face as you wave him back, then he goes to enter the café, heading straight to your table. "Hi." He's still waving at you. This makes you chuckle a bit. "Hey, Mikey. Here, please sit." You gesture towards the empty sit opposite yours.

Mikey took the seat, the rare view of a tiny smile on his lips is still there, but not for you, you think it's common to see him like that whenever he's around you. "So, what you're up to?" You start the conversation. "I was just going to that bookstore, ya know, the one near that flower shop." "Oh, Barnes & Noble, is it?" "Yepp." He pops the 'p'.

"I'm getting a part-time job there." He then continues. Your smile widens. "Woww, Mikey! Congratulations! Good for you." "Meh, it's nothing much. It could be very dull, I mean, looking at all the books every single day. I could get sick." Both of you share a few laughter, before you speak, "Well, at least you got something to do. Unlike me, I'm making these fats while staying at home." "You're not fat." "Yes, I am." "No, you're not." "I am." "Not."

You playfully roll your eyes at him, while Mikey chuckles at your silly act. "So what about you? You're here just to get coffee?" Hmm, you wonder if it's a good idea to tell him the truth. But whatever, things between you and Mikey are settled. You two are good friends now, nothing more. So you open your mouth, "...I'm actually waiting for someone." At first Mikey quirks an eyebrow, not getting the hint you dropped. Then he suddenly realizes something.

"Oh, you're meeting your boyfriend now? Are you guys going on a date today?" You're about to say something, but someone is approaching you two, stomping inside the café. Your eyes widen, you wish you could've warned Mikey, or at least say something. 'Uh oh.' Sadly you only said that in your head. Mikey is still oblivious to a very angry-looking Brendon coming from behind him. "Speaking of the devil..." You only manage to mumble under your breath.

Mikey looks quizzically at you. He's about to open his mouth and ask you something, but is yanked harshly from the back. "The fuck you think you're doing?!" Brendon's face is only centimeters apart from Mikey's. Poor Mikey, pure terror in his eyes. He starts to shake slightly while still in Brendon's grip. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!, your mind keeps telling you. You look around the café, almost everybody is watching the scene. What a shame!

"B-brendon..." "I'm not asking you, Y/n! I'm talking to this faggot!" He technically spat at Mikey. Words are unable to be formed by Mikey's mouth, but he tries anyway. "...s-sorry....." "You're fucking sorry?! You should've think before you even talk to my girlfriend!" "B-brendon, he's my friend." You try to reason with him. But talking to that hot-headed guy, especially in this situation, won't make any difference. Brendon turns to look at you with a scary glare, then turn back at Mikey.

"You're friend with my girlfriend? Have you look at yourself in the mirror?? You don't even fit to be her friend." By this time, those who's been watching has gone back to whatever they're doing. That's it, he's gone too far. You were a bit afraid of him going berserk, but have now gain the courage to fight back. "Excuse me?? What makes you think you can decide who I befriended with?!! I thought we already talked about this! Why you're always full of yourself?!" With that, you storm out of the café, not even a single care of what's left of your coffee.

The two guys watch you go. Brendon seems to be back to his normal-self, unknitted his eyebrows. A look of regret wash over his face. He's always like that - easily jealous, and easily get mad. When will he learn to control himself? You did try to make him promise to change that bad attitude of him. But, it might take longer in his case. It seems very hard for Brendon.

His gaze turns back towards the timid guy in front of him, cowering in fear as he looks into that intimidating eyes of Brendon's. Brendon finally let go of Mikey, hands go to mess with his hair as he thinks back to his previous action. He takes a moment to get his mind back to his senses. "Shit!" He curses under his breath, though still loud enough for Mikey to hear, then rushes out of that place, anxiously looking for you. Meanwhile, Mikey was left alone there, still in shocked as his gaze fixes on the glass entrance door.

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