Chapter 14

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Last night was a wreck. The time tells it's 12 in the noon, and you're still rolled under your blanket. You don't feel like doing anything today, to be honest. After Ray dropped you off last night, your Mom was quite surprised to find you back home that early. Unable to hide the tears anymore, you broke down and cry while your mother comforted you. You even told her about what happened at the party. "That son of a bitch. He dared to break your heart again! Oh, I'll break his pretty little face the next time I see him." You accidentally let out a tiny laugh, while wiping your tear-stained cheeks.

So after your Mom asked you to have a good sleep and ease out your mind, you went into your room, changed into a pajama pants and comfy shirt. You flopped down onto your bed, not before putting your phone in off mode, because you don't find it the right time yet to be dealing with people right now. You stare at the ceiling for a good solid 10 minutes right after you wake up, then decide to check on your phone. Incoming notifications come in at the speed of light.

* italic is text messages *

F/n : Y/n, where are you??

F/n : Yo girl, where are yoouuuu?????

2 missed calls from F/n

Patty : F/n been looking for you like crazy. Tell us where you are

1 missed call from Patty

Patty : We're getting worried :( Please answer your phone

F/n : We met Ray. I'm panicking, what happened??

3 missed calls from F/n

Patty : I'm sorry that F/n is being super concern right now. I figured you need some time. Talk to you tomorrow or later on?

10 missed called from Bren bren <3

Bren bren <3 : Y/n answer your goddamn phone

Bren bren <3 : Babe, please.....

1 voicemail from Bren bren <3 : "Y/n, I'm sorry you had to see that. I-I don't even know what the fuck is wrong with me. Y/n, please let me know you're okay. I need to talk to you. You deserve an explanation. Baby, I hope you reply as soon as possible. I love you."

Wow, you blink for a couple time. He dares to say he still loves you after what happened last night? You let out a heavy sigh. You believe he still does. But your mind can't seem to shake the memory of last night off. But you still love him as well. Maybe he deserves a second chance. What should you do now? God, you're stressing yourself over this. You decide to get out of bed and go grab something from the kitchen first.

As you walk into the kitchen, you see your Mom writing a note on the fridge. "Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling, dear?" Your Mom turns to look at you, a smile on her face. You sit on one of the chairs there and put your head in your hands. "A bit better than last night. Where are you going?" You question your Mom's slightly dressed up attire. "I was about to write you a note. Well, I need to run some errands for work. Food's in the microwave, you can heat it up. And I love you." Your Mom goes beside you to plant a kiss on top of your head.

And then suddenly the doorbell rings. "I'll get that." Your Mom said, and goes towards the door. "Mikey! What a pleasant surprise!" Your Mom said cheerily. Mikey smiles at her, a box of chocolate in one hand, and the other one holds a bouquet of daisies. "Hello, Mrs. L/n. Is Y/n home?" Knowing that Mikey is here, you shout from the kitchen. "Please don't look at me now! I just woke up and am very hideous!" Both Mikey and your Mom laugh at that.

"Welp, Mikey. Please come in, and make yourself at home. I need to be out for a while. & thanks for caring about my daughter." Your Mom pats him on the shoulder, making Mikey looks at his feet sheepishly. "Not a problem at all, Mrs. L/n. Drive safely." The two bid goodbyes, and your Mom closes the door from outside. That's when you come out of the kitchen and into the living room, before you flop down onto the sofa.

Then you cover your face with both hands. "Don't look at me. I'm ugly." Mikey laughs at your silly act, then goes to sit next to you. "Stop being ridiculous. You look just fine." He pokes you on the side, slightly tickling you. You let out a laugh, then tell him to stop. "Okay, okay." You remove your hands and smile at him. "Here's some chocolate for you, coz I know you need it. And some flowers...p-please don't think otherwise, I just wanna make you feel better." Mikey is a bit nervous, scared he might overdo it.

You put a hand on top of Mikey's to assure him, "It's fine Mikey. Thanks by the way." You take the gifts from him, while he plainly smiles at you. "So, mind to share with me about last night? It's okay if you don't feel comfortable." You thought for a while, and decide to give it a go. Mikey has now become one of your closest friends, and make the effort to come by your house and cheer you up, so why not. You open your mouth and spill everything about last night.

Mikey stays for a moment at your house, listening to you attentively. "And then,...I received this voicemail from him. He sounded desperate, and really2 sorry. I don't know what to do, Mikey. What do you think?" You turn to look at him, searching for the answer as if it's written on Mikey's face. Mikey smiles at you and ask a question, "Y/n, do you really love him?" You're silenced by that, as if giving a thought about that. Truly, you still love him, even after what happened.

You look down on your hands, fingers playfully entangled with each other. "O-of course I do." Mikey put a hand on your shoulder. "Then, he deserves a second chance I guess." You keep quiet, eyes only staring at Mikey, then he continues, "I mean, he probably has good reasons to this. & I believe he really cares about you as well." You feel content hearing that from Mikey. He's a nice guy, and knows what to say. "Okay, I'll give it a try."

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