Chapter 18

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Before saying goodbye to the Way family and thanking them for letting you stay the night, you had a good breakfast with them. It was a good moment, and you really need it since you've been through some rough time. Currently you're waving goodbye to Mikey at his doorway, then Gerard joins and nudge him by the side, saying stuff like "You let her leave without giving her a goodbye kiss?" He intentionally said it out loud. You let out a laugh as you watch the two brothers while walking backward. Mikey's face turns pink and he nudges his brother with same force.

You wave them a final goodbye, before turning back towards the path back to your house. You walk silently in peace, taking in the fresh air. You turn right at a corner, and suddenly is met with someone's figure. You stop walking, your heartbeart almost stop as well. Apparently, he stops walking too, and looks as surprised as you are. The two of you lock eyes for a while, before Dallon breaks the gaze first and looks down on his shoes.

"Hey, Y/n." Not trying to be rude, you reply, "Hey, Dallon." And it's back to awkward silence. You kinda pick the hint that he already knows about what happened between you and Brendon. Of course he does, he's like Brendon's best bro in the world. It is Dallon who breaks the tension again, "Where're you heading to?" "Just going home...from a friend's house." "The Way?" You finally look up to look at him.

Confusion written all over your face, "How did you know?" You asked him, with an eyebrow raised. "I'm just guessing. I just know they live there." He kinda points towards where the Way's house is. You feel like skipping the questions on 'Are you friend with the Way?' or 'Have you been to their house?' Instead, you ask him other question. "So where are you going?" "I'm actually heading to Brendon's."

You become stiffened at his statement. Dallon notices it, and tries to calm the situation, you guess. "Look, Y/n...I know that things between you and Brendon aren't going well-" "I need to go now." You continue walking, slightly pushing Dallon to the side. Along the way home, you keep cursing to yourself. The last thing you need right now is keep being reminded of Brendon.

As you reach home, you see that F/n is already outside your house, waiting for you, Patrick is there too. "Y/n? Hey, where have you been to?" F/n questions you as she saw your figure coming closer towards them. The first thing you do is pull her in for a tight hug. F/n is a bit surprised, and her eyes widen more when she feels your body slightly shaking - yes, you broke into tears. She calms you down as she gently strokes your back. Patrick has joins you two as well, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"It's okay, babygirl. Spill it all out." "Well, maybe not here. Perhaps we could get some coffee and settle down there?" Patrick suggests. You break away from the hug and wipe the tears on your cheeks. You smile at him and give him a slight nod. "But I need to let my Mom knows first." You start to go into your house, before F/n interrupts, "We already met her just now and informed her about our plan today. And she's okay with it. So, shall we start walking now?"

You turn back towards your friends and nod at them, then the three of you start heading to a favourite coffee shop. Once you got the drinks, you sit at a corner further away from other people, and tell them from A to Z. You even tell them about bumping into Dallon and becoming awkward around him. While F/n is still surprised to know that you befriended the Chemical Romance group, and almost couldn't believe when you told how nice and friendly they are.

"Whatever the future holds for you Y/n, we always have your back." Patrick concluded the talk and makes sure you're feeling okay. You smile at him, "Thanks, Patrick." "Yeah, don't stress yourself out thinking about that dumb loser. You got us! & more importantly, we should all worry about where we should be soon." F/n joins, and the three of you start talking about what you're going to do, which include applying scholarships and waiting for any offer to further your studies.

After being for almost three hours there, you decide it's time to go home. "Are you sure you're okay on your own?" "F/n, it's not like I don't know my way back home." You playfully roll your eyes at F/n. "Plus, I don't want to be a third wheeler. Patrick here needs to send her girlfriend back home." You wiggle your eyebrows and slightly nudge a blushing Patrick. F/n is blushing as well. You laugh at their tomato faces. They really are a cute couple. "Alright then. Be safe." You hug each other before going separate ways.

Again, you walk back home in peace. You're thankful that your friends are always there to make you feel better. Mikey, F/n, Patrick, they are all nice people. You walk by a local park and spot someone familiar sitting on one of the benches there. It's Dallon again. Probably he just got back from meeting Brendon. You're praying inside, hoping he doesn't see you. Dallon seems in a really deep thought and completely unaware of your presence. Lucky for you. So you continue walking at quite a fast pace. Though you can't help but to wonder what's going on inside his head.

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