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Betty's POV

We get home and I sit on the couch in the living room. Juggie sits next to me and I curl up into his side.

"Do you want something to eat?" FP asks me.

I shake my head. They both sigh, "Betty, you haven't eaten basically anything ever since," Jug says.

I sob and shake my head, "I'm just gonna throw up," I cry.

"What? Why?" dad asks.

"Cause I don't want it," I cry into Jug's jacket. They both sigh at me and Jug raises my head up.

"Baby, you have to eat," he says. I shake my head and put my face back into his clothes. I can feel him sighing.

"Hey," I hear Archie's voice.

"Are you okay?" dad asks and I turn my head a little to look at them.

"I'm fine," he says and then looks at me, "And you?" he asks.

"Depends on who you're asking. I'm feeling worse than ever right now, but they think it's good," I sigh with tears. They all laugh at me.

"It is good," Jug says. I sigh and hide my face into his neck. He kisses my hair and pulls me on his lap, my legs going around him. He starts to stand up.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Forsing some food into you," he says like it's totally normal.

I sigh and let my legs loose around him, trying to get off of him, but he holds me tightly and kisses my forehead. Dad and Archie laugh at us as he takes me into the kitchen.

"Jughie, please," I cry and put my hand on his cheek.

"We have pizza from yesterday, I'm just gonna warm it up," he says and places me to sit on the counter.

I sigh while still crying, "I don't want to," I say and get off from the counter.

He steps in front of me and wraps his arms around me, "Please baby. Once you've tasted it, you wanna eat it all," he says.

I sigh with tears and let my head fall on his shoulder. He smiles and kisses it and lifts me back up.

"We have mountain dew, if you want.." he says, leaning on the counter. I smile and nod, still crying. He smiles and kisses my lips and hands me the can.

*Time pass, the next day*

"What are you doing?" dad asks me as I go downstairs, fully clothed.

"Coming to eat," I say and sniffle, cause I've been crying all night.

"And then?" Jug asks.

"Going to school," I say. They all sigh in unison.

I look at my food and start eating it, "I don't care what you guys say. I'm going to school," I say.

"No," dad says with a concrete voice.

I sigh and look at him, "Why not?" I ask with tears.

"Cause you're gonna hide your emotions again," he says and kisses my hair as he gets up and takes some orange juice from the fridge.

I sigh, "I won't. I promise. I just don't wanna be home all day," I say, looking at the table.

They all sigh, "If it's just because you don't wanna be alone.." Jug says.

I sigh and look at him. I forgot that they've all read my diary now, "Then what?" I ask.

"I'll stay home," he says.

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