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Betty's POV

Kevin and Sheriff Keller left and so did the other serpents, as it's like almost 11AM.

"Did you move my things already?" I ask Jug, dad and Archie, as we're all in the living room with Gladys and JB.

"No, dad wouldn't let me," Jug says and looks at dad.

"Why not? Jelly needs a room.." I say.

"Yeah, and Archie and Jug are going to share a room," he says.

"What? Dad?" all the three of us ask in unison. JB, Gladys and dad laugh at us.

"No, you two are not in the same room," he says to me and Jug.

I furrow my eyebrows, "And why the hell not?" I ask.

He smirks, "Cause you're dating," he says to both of us.

"You know, that they sleep together in the same bed every single night right?" Archie asks dad.

I try to hold back my laugh, while still crying and I hide my face into Jug's neck, ready for getting yelled at.

"Um.. No, I didn't?" dad asks us, "Guys," he sighs.

"Dad, we wake up exactly the same time, come downstairs together, I've even told you that she's still sleeping. What did you think?" Jug smirks.

I smirk into his neck and he can feel it.

"Betty.." dad says. I smirk with tears and look up at him.

"Have you two had sex?" he asks us.

I can feel my cheeks going red and I squeeze my eyes shut trying not to laugh out loud.

"You look weird with blush, smile and tears you know," Arch says.

I open my eyes and hit his arm, "That's your fault anyways," I say.

"Why? I just wanna get my own room.." he says.

I sigh and look at Jug, cause dad is still waiting for the answer. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows. I shrug my shoulders, looking at him.

"Just one word," dad sighs.

I look at him, "Maybe," I say.

He sighs and the others laugh at us, though not Gladys or dad.

"Yes or no?" he asks.

"We've been dating for 4 months, what do you think?" Jug asks him.

"Just tell me," dad sighs.

"Why? It's weird. You're like both of our dad," I smirk.

"God just tell me," he chuckles.

"Yes," we both say in unison. They're all smirking at us.

Dad sighs, "Fine, Arch these two are going to share a room," he sighs.

We chuckle and nod. I look at Jug, "You're room," I say.

"Why? Your bed is bigger," he says while fondling my hair.

"We use like 1/4th of my bed. Plus you have better water pressure and a window seat," I say.

He smirks and the others chuckle at me, "Fine," he says and kisses my forehead and wipes my tears away.

"You know, that the first time I saw you, was on that window seat?" he smirks.

My eyes widen and I look at dad with more tears, "When is the will-reading?" I ask him.

He sighs, "Today is...?" he asks.

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