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Hey guys! This was the 4th fanfiction that I wrote. I like to believe I've developed and learned new things throughout writing all those stories, so the newer they are, the better grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary they have. Thanks for being with me! xx, Lotta.


Betty's POV

We're driving into this small town, called Riverdale. It seems okay. Nothing can be worse than San Francisco, actually.

I'm sitting on the middle seat, mom and dad in the front and Polly and Chic on my sides, talking with each other.

I look out from Chic's window. I see some girl and boy making out and their frieds around them.

A wave of sadness goes through my body. I can never have friends or a boyfriend.

I had a few friends before, but my brother and sister would always do something really bad to them and then leak it. So I'm not risking another person's happiness.

We reach our new home. It actually looks nice. I know, that it's mom's childhood home. And I love my mom. So it should be okay, I guess.

"Stop the crying," Polly says to me rudely. I sigh and wipe away my tears.

Mom looks at me with a concerned face. She knows, that she can't do anything or dad will beat her and me up.

I sigh as we all get out of the car, "Kids, go pick out your rooms," dad says.

Chic and Polly both run inside. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and start moving towards the house.

"Elizabeth," dad says.

I sigh and turn around, "Yes, father?" I ask.

"Let them pick out their's first," he says, handing me a box.

"That's kinda the reason why I stayed behind..." I mumble to myself, walking into the house. I place the box down and look around.

It's so nice in here. So much better than in San Francisco. I smile and go upstairs. I see Polly and Chic in two rooms and walk to the third one.

Wow. That is beautiful. I have a window seat, big bed etc. I love this place.

I put my bag on the ground and jump on my bed. I smile as I feel the soft matress, that I personally have never had.

I smile and put some pillows on the window seat and sit there, my head against the window and my knees under my chin.

I look out and see some guys and one girl going into my neighbour's house. Sadness takes over me again. I start crying quietly.

I see the same group of people appearing in the window, that faces mine. They start to play video games I guess.

One boy grabs a book and sits on the window seat. He's hot and looks cute. He is wearing some crown shaped beanie and a leather jacket.

He looks up from the book and directly into my eyes. He smiles softly at me. I smile back and then look away from him and let my tears keeo falling again.

Soon, I hear a quiet knock on my door. It has to be mom, no one else ever knocks, they just come in. But they don't talk to me much.

"Hey honey," she sighs with a concerned face and walks to me.

I wipe away my tears and look up at him with a little smile, "I love this house," I say.

She sits next to me, as I'm curled up here and starts to fondle my hair.

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