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Betty's POV

I go downstairs and everyone is in the kitchen I think. I start to walk to there, but I hear Gladys' voice.

"Betty," she says, coming down the stairs.

I raise my eyebrows, she hasn't talked to me and is hating on me, "Yeah?" I ask. She reaches me now.

"How is your dad doing?" she asks with a smirk.

I sigh, "I don't know. I haven't talked to him," I say, looking at my feet.

"Well, you should," she says.

"Why? Do you know him?" I ask, raising my head.

"I knew him.. In school, but. I haven't really talked to him," she says.

"Then why do you care?" I ask.

"I wanna thank him," she says. I furrow my eyebrows. "For killing your mom," she says.

I feel tears in my eyes, "Then go yourself," I cry.

"Maybe I will," she says with a smirk and walks to the kitchen.

I take deep breaths, and wipe my tears away. I turn emtionless and go into the kitchen, still thinking about what she just said.

"Hey," dad says, worriedly, looking at my emotionless face.

"Hi," I say without emotions and sit down and take some food.

Jug puts his hand on my cheek and turns my head to look at him, "What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing," I say and look back at my food and take a bite.

"Baby," he says and turns my head back, "What's wrong?" he asks with a different voice.

"Nothing," I say kinda angrily and grasp my head away and keep eating. I see Gladys smirking a little, but the others are confused. Especially Jug. Cause I was so happy in the morning.

*Time pass*

We go into our first class, english. We sit down on our seats.

"Betty," Jug sighs, as I won't pull my chair against his like always, "I nee," he starts, but the teacher walks in and starts with the class.

"Betts, you need to tell me, what's wrong," he whispers.

I just keep looking st the table with sn emotionless face, wanting to cry out so bad.

"Mr. Jones," the teacher says, as he starts to fondle my hair. He sighs, and keeps doing it, but answers to the question.

*Time pass*

"Baby. Look at me," Jug whispers.

I sigh and look at him without emotions. He puts his lips against my forehead.

"I need to know, what's wrong. It's killing me," he says and I see tears in his eyes.

I sigh and show him the sad look. He sighs worriedly and I let everything out. I let all my tears run and some sobs escape.

Everyone turns to us, but then back again, knowing that Jug protects me and would yell at them.

"What's wrong?" he asks, as I move my chair against his and curl up to his side, his arm around me.

"Your mom," I cry.

He sighs angrily, "What did she do?" he asks.

I sigh, not wanting to tell him.
"Baby I need to know," he says.

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