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Betty's POV

I just got dressed, but Jug is already downstairs. I sigh, still feeling guilty and I go behind dad's office door.

I sigh and knock quietly, "Come in," I hear dad's voice.

I pull the door open and he smiles as he sees me. I close the door behind me and walk to him and lean against the table.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that she doesn't probably know," I say sadly.

He smiles sadly, "It's not your fault. It's good that she got to know it right now," he says.

I sigh, "What did you talk about?" I ask.

He sighs, "Everything... Why did she leave and why did your mom leave and what are we gonna do now and," he says.

"What ARE you gonna do now?" I ask.

He smiles a little, "Don't worry about that," he says.

I sigh, "I knew from the beginning that she probably weren't gonna stay here, but what about JellyBean?" I ask sadly.

He smiles, "She's gonna stay," he says and I can see how happy he is. I smile too and wipe my tears away.

"Is anything bothering you? Cause I know, that it's 100% impossible to cry for that long because of one thing," he says and starts to fondle my hair a little, that is in ponytail as usual.

I sigh and look down. He sighs, "Maybe I can help?" he asks.

I don't say anything. How could I say, that he's the reason why I'm crying. That I don't wanna hurt him by asking all these questions.

"Are you coming?" I just ask and raise my head up. He knows, that I won't tell him, so he sighs.

"Yeah," he says. I smile a little and he kisses my forehead, "If you wanna talk about it, then I'm here for you, okay?" he asks.

I nod with a sad face. He kisses my hair and gets up, "You look beautiful," he says.

I smirk at my clothes, what are a little ripped jeans and a long white sleeved slim blouse, "Thanks," I say.

He chuckles at me and we both go downstairs. Jug and JB are there with Archie and Ronnie and Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"You look gorgeous," Jug says as he gets up.

I furrow my eyebrows, "How?" I ask Jug and dad. Jug wraps me into his arms as I wrap mine around him.

"You just are," he says and kisses my lips softly. I chuckle and shake my head.

I let go of him and walk to my green winter coat and then look at everyone in the room. Jug, Sweet Pea and Fangs are all staring at me. I feel weird.

"Guys, you're my friends, so I'm not going to hate on you, but please," I sigh, looking at Sweet Pea and Fangs.

Jug looks at them and smirks, "She's mine," he says.

I sigh and roll my eyes, "I'm me. I don't actually belong to everyone," I say to Jug as he pulls me on his lap and I put my coat next to us.

"Did you just broke my heart?" he smirks, "From what I read from that little book thingy, I thought you said your heart is mine," he smiles adorably.

I spoon his face, "My heart might be but my body is not," I say and kiss his lips softly and then get up and pull the coat on.

"Come on," I say to dad and Jug.

"You're adorable," Fangs says.

"Hey! Her heart is mine," Jug says and gets up. We all laugh and he kisses my hair.

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