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*Today. (Jughead, JB and Jullie are in Pop's).*

Betty's POV

I walk towards everyone, "Morning," I say to everyone.

"Hey, morning. You need to see this," mom says as I sit next to her. She kisses my hair.

"Betty, can you tell me, where to find a good baby daddy?" Slurpe (Fangs' dad) asks me.

"What?" I laugh and watch at the screen. They're looking at Jug and Jullie. She's in his arns and they're talking.

"Milkshakes," Jullie says. I chuckle, she's so cute.

"Now that is a drink," Jug says.

"Burgers," Jullie says now.

"Now you're talking my language," Jug chuckles and kisses her nose what makes her giggle.

She puts her hands on his cheeks and pecks his mouth. He chuckle and kisses her forehead, "Okay, let's get dressed, we're going to Pop's," he says and they both get up and go to her room.

"I wanna hug him. And kiss him. And the same goes for her," I say. They all chuckle at me with sad faces.

We keep watching them. After he has dressed her and brushed her hair, like he always did to me, he squats down in front of him and kisses her forehead.

"You look beautiful," he says. I smile at them. Jullie blushes a little, what makes us all chuckle every day.

"He's so great and she's so cute," FP's dad says. I smile and nod.

*Time pass*

"Was mommy stupid?" Jullie asks Jug. I smile, she remembers me. And she thinks about me a lot.

"No. She never was a normal teenager," Jug smirks.

"I wanna see her. I miss her." Jullie says sadly.

"I miss you too," I cry and put my hand on my flat stomigh. They all sigh and some of them are crying.

"I know baby. I miss her too," he says and kisses her hair while dropping a few tears.

I cry even more, "Juggie... Just die already," I cry. The others laugh at me and shake their heads.

She looks up at Jug and puts her hands on his cheeks what makes him smile a little, "Can you talk about her, daddy?" she asks.

He kisses her forehead, "Sure. But lets at first go to Pop's and get some burgers and milkshakes and fries. And then let's talk, okay?" he asks.

She smiles and nods. He kisses her forehead again and she puts her head back on his chest.

"It's been more than 3 and a half years and he still cries every time that someone mentions me," I cry.

"So do you," mom says and kisses my hair. I chuckle with tears. Jelly comes down the stairs.

"Okay," she sighs.

I chuckle and so does Jug.

"If I would be alive right now.." mom says between her teeth. We all laugh.

"Yeah, like you never got waisted when you were a teenager," I smiek, "Dad told me stories by the way," I say.

She sighs with a smirk, "I know," she says.

I chuckle and kiss her cheek while petting Bella on my lap.

Jughead's POV

"Hey!" we say to everyone at the bar, though here are only a few of them.

"Hey!" everyone says happily.

"Grandpaaa!" Jullie says and runs to dad and dad picks her up.

"Hey Jullie," he says and kisses her forehead. I smile and me and JB go to them too.

"What are you doing here? It's 11AM and Saturday," he chuckles.

"Jullie was craving milkshakes and buegers so we went to Pop's," I smirks.

He chuckles and kisses her forehead and then looks at JB, "And where were you last night?" he asks.

JB's looking at the ground, "At a party," she says.

Dad's eyes get wide, "What?" he asks.

"Dad," I say which makes him look at me, "I've been to parties. Archie's been to parties. Betty came to parties with us," I smirk, "And you've probably been to most high school parties. We're all still alive," I smirk.

He chuckles and looks at JB, who's chuckling too, "How much did you drink?" he asks.

"Um.. 2 cups of beer," Jelly says.

He sighs in relief and kisses her hair, "Okay," he says.

I smile as dad goes back behind the counter, with Jullie on his lap.

"Thanks," JB sighs. I smirk and kiss her hair.

"Jullie?" I ask.

She looks at me from dad's lap with a big smile. "I'm gonna do some work, do you wanna come with me or stay here with grandpa and Jelly?" I ask.

"Cars," she says. I chuckle and dad places her down and she runs to me.

"Exactly like her mom," FP mumbles with a smirk, thinking that I won't hear it.

I smile sadly at the cealing and then go to the garage with Jullie. I can feel my tears. I miss my baby. I miss Betty. So so so much.

I look at the sky and see no clouds today, "I love and miss you baby," I whisper into the sky and then wipe away my tears and follow Jullie into the garage, where she helps me to fix cars, cause I thought her, like Betty thought me.

Betty's POV

Jug looks up in the camera (at the sky) and whispers, "I love and miss uou baby," and then wipes away his tears and follows our daughter.

"Me too," I cry, hugging my legs. Everyone looks at me with sad faces. Mom sighs and kisses my hair.

"Jullie, you wanna help me fix this bike?" Juggie asks and picks her up and walks to Tall Boy's bike with her.

Jullie nods with a big smile that makes me and Jug chuckle. He kisses her forehead and gives her a crescent wrench, "You know, what to do with that," he smirks.

Jullie chuckles as Jug puts her down. She looks at the bike and sees the problem and starts to fix it. I smile.

"How old is she right now?" Slurpe asks from behind us.

"3 and a half," we all say.

He chuckles, "That's one intelligent kid," he says and kisses my hair. I chuckle and nod.

"Hey!" Archie says and Jug turns to him and Veronica and Mike, their 1 and a half year old son.

"Hey," Jug says and kisses his hair. He giggles.

"Jug," he says. We all chuckle. He's so cute.

"Hiiiii," Jullie says and runs to them. Archie picks her up as Ronnie is holding Mike.

"Hey," they both chuckle and kiss her hair.

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