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Betty's POV

I wake up to Jug's phone ringing. I look up at him and he looks up at me. We kiss and then he dtarts to fondle my hair and answers the phone.

"Yeah?" he sighs with a tired voice, but then smiles a little.

"Hey Jelly," he says, "Shouldn't you be in school?" he asks.

I smile. Jelly is great. We've been talking a few times and as far as I know, she doesn't know that I live with them, she only knows that I'm his girlfriend. But she likes me too I guess.

"No," Jug says with an angry voice, "Don't, I don't wanna talk to her," he says. I furrow my eyebrows, knowing that he's talking about his mom.

"Mom," he says with a sad and angry voice and then listens to her for about a minute.

"What?" he asks in shock and looks at me. I've been starting crying again, so he kisses my forehead.

"No! You need to talk to dad," he says and ends the call.

"What?" I ask.

He sighs and looks confused, "They wanna come back to live here," he says.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What? Your mom doesn't even let you see Jelly.. Why?" I ask as confused as he.

"I don't know," he groans, obviously fustrated, "What if they do come back and make anything worse? I mean I wanna see my sister, but I hate my mom and why does she even want to come back? I mea," he starts, but I stop him.

I spoon his face, "Hey," I say with tears, "Look at me," I continue.

He looks into my eyes with love. I chuckle and kiss his lips softly, "Do you want for them to come back?" I ask.

He sighs, "I don't know," he says.

"Why not?" I ask, still spooning his face.

"Cause everything just happened and... I don't want to see my mom," he says and looks down.

I raise his head up like he always does to me, "But you wanna see JB, right?" I ask.

He sighs, "More than anything," he says.

I smile, "Then you're still okay with it. Even if your mom comes too, no one cares. You have to talk to her anyways," I say.

Betty... I haven't seen her in almost 6 years now," he says.

"I know. And you have to get to know, why she did what she did. Maybe she had a reason," I say.

He chuckles, "Same goes to you. But you won't ask dad," he says and kisses my nose.

I sigh, "Still.. If your dad wants and Archie is okay with it, then they should come," I say.

He sighs, "Maybe.. But we don't have enough room," he says.

I smile, "We're in the same room anyways," I say and look around at his room, where we're sleeping todday.

He smiles and kisses my lips and I kiss back, "I should talk to dad," he sighs.

I nod and peck his lips, "But hurry up, I'm cold by myself," I say, only wearing my underwear and his shirt.

He smiles and pecks my lips, "You continue sleeping," he says.

I smile and he gets up from the bed. He kisses my hair and I smile at him and kiss his lips. He smiles and kisses my forehead and then goes out of the room.

I wipe my tears away, though it doesn't help. I close my eyes while curling up in the bed and falling asleep again.

Jughead's POV

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