Chapter 1

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The bad start

"another scoop?" Sehun told Yoona while they are in the couch watching horror movies. Yoona was crying a river and so to calm her down, Sehun, her bestfriend is cheering her up by watching horror movies and some ice cream. He thought by scaring her she might forgot about her boyfriend dumping her. But it was no use. She still is crying although they are in the middle of the movie with all the ghost and monsters appear.

"I pity the character" she simply said. Sehun was confuse. Pity?

"Huh?" he replied with his eyebrow raised.

"He abandoned his daughter in a house and now the child is having a revenge just because she need her dad. I pity them both" she said with a tear coming out her eyes.

Sehun pity her. If only he can go to the past, wherein Yoona is still developing those feelings toward his hyung, Luhan. But if he does that, they might not be bestfriend just like what they are right now.

5 months ago

Summer is almost done, another schoolyear is approaching again. Yoona, a college freshmen is on her way to Seoul to move in. She was from Busan and decided to move in an apartment for her to have a better way and wont cost her so much subway payment. As she at the buildings, she realize all the things that she will deal and cope up with. Will she fits in? Will she be able to gain confidence? knowledge? Will she survive the college life? Well it all depends on her decisions.

The subway stop on the next station so inside of it is getting crowded so she dont have a choice but to move at the corner of the train. As she was standing uncomfortably there, a guy keeps on moving her to the side.

"Hey cut it out!"


He said like he was not aware.

"You keep on pushing me"

"Well you're welcome for that"

He said as he turn his back to her and put on his headphones. Yoona just told herself not to argue anymore or it will just ruin her whole day.


she cried in pain once again, he step on her feet. But instead of saying sorry, the guy just look at her feet and go. Is this how the people in Seoul like? If yes then its the perfect time for her to back out. But college is more important so she did not mind that guy anymore.

After the subway, she finds her way to Seoul Citizen Apartment building. Renting an apartment is really a bad idea because it might cost her a lot. But atleast she finds something cheap and most important is, the building is just two blocks away from her school. She was about to step in the building when someone's familiar voice caught her attention.

"Yoona-yah! Chinggu!"

Its Tiffany. Her bestfriend who usually visits her on Busan. She was a rich girl who once take a vacation in Busan. Tiffany was the kind of girl who would like to be friends with all girls who look so pretty. It might not be so that obvious with the situation to Yoona. Basically, Yoona was the only one on their village that has a very pleasing personality that catches Tiffany's attention.

"Tiffany! How did you know my apartment?"

She asked.

"Yoona, I know Seoul than you. It was not so hard for me to find the cheapest aparment building in town.

"Right. So now that you're here, I would gladly appreciate your help by carrying some of my luggage and open my room with this key-"

"Oh good your room!"

Yoona didnt finish her sentence because Tiffany took the keys and hurriedly went up to open her room. Well it's up to her again. She dont have choice but to carry all her stuff upstairs. When she was about to carry the last luggage, it slip down causing it to open and scatter all her clothes.

"My! So nice of you"

She groan as she went down to pick all her clothes. She was picking up when someone help her out with her clothes.


The guy said as he give some of the clothes he picked. Yoona was just there and just looking at the guy infront of her now.

"T-Thank you sir"

"You say, are you new here?"

he asked and make her more feel shy. Is he living there like her? Will he be in the same floor? A lot of questions are playing on her mind and she cannot stay relax. This guy is making her... something

"Uhm, yeah. I'm in the 7th floor, room 312"

"Really??? Well then welcome. I'll be your neighbor from now. Im in room 311."

"Y-yeah.. So thank you helping me out mr"

"Oh dont call me mr. Im Luhan"

He says as he held his hand. Yoona reach for it and that's the start of their blossoming neighbor relationship.

A/N: Well I really want it to be short since its somewhat the introduction of my story. Please keep on supporting as we g through the story :)

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