Chapter 31

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Author's POV

Sehun was sitting in his chair as he watches Yoona in his glass door facing the garden. He knew she was pissed because what he did. He just ruin her plans, he made her confuse and he just kissed her twice.



"Can you come here and hold this cold compress? I'm getting tired of holding it."

"Just let go of it then"

"Dr. Im"

"Don't call me 'Dr. Im.' I'm still mad"

"Because I kissed you?

Humiliation and irritation flooded her system. She went near him and pressed the cold compress as hard as she can into his face making him groan in pain.

"Serves you right for kissing me. And why the hell are you using cold compress? I just slapped you and not punched."

"Aish... Aren't you going back to Luhan?"

"And why?"

"So that I know when to grab the hell of you away from him"

Yoona just can't believe him right now. Where on earth is he taking the urge to tell her those words? She just pressed the cold compress to make him feel the pain even more.

"Ouch! Yah! Can't you just answer it?"

"Are you mad? How on earth will I able to go back to him if you already threaten me?"

"I just don't want you to look like a fool"

"Yeah right. And kissing me to save yours is not making me look like a fool. Is that it?"

"Do I make you feel like that?"


"That's not my intention"

He looks so guilty and so darn cute she was having a hard time toughening to him.

"Do you still really love that jerk Yoona?"


"Of course it's Luhan. Who else is the jerk here?"

He said as if he was not one. Yoona raised an eyebrow looking at him with her arms crossed. Why is he always bringing up Luhan? Is that even obvious? But when she was about to answer, why does she feels like she was not that sure anymore.

"If you succeeded on seducing him, what's next? Steal him from his fiancée and ask him to marry you?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"A simple one"

She thought about it. What will she do? She herself didn't know what to do.

"I... don't know. Maybe I'll think about it once I succeeded."

"It's not impossible for hyung to get attracted to you. Biyeon looks so similar to you and that makes me think that he sees you in her."

Yoona looked at him as he was looking at her intensely but then he turns his gaze to other direction as he continues.

"You could change his mind about marrying his fiancée. Even my other guest here really is attracted to you and that includes Luhan. The thing is, were not so sure if his feelings to you may last. Especially if he's really inlove with his fiancée."

What the heck is he talking about? She may not want to admit it but she feels like there's something about the things he is saying right now. She's sure enough since she can read between the lines.

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