Chapter 2

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"Ugh.. Done!"

She groan as she put up the last thing at her cabinet. Moving in another place really is hard with all the trouble putting all your things in your room. But it was all paying off since Yoona has something that drives her fine in an another place. It's her dream of finishing college and also the guy who live next door. She wonder if he's also a student like her. How can she not forget a person like that? She never felt like that before. When she does, then it will last just for a week. Well maybe it will be like that too with that guy.

*knock knock*

She heard a knock on her door causing her to stop daydreaming. Who could that be? She still dont have any friends in this place. Well, except for Tiffany. But if it's her then she would open the door for herself and enter her room like it was hers.

A guy greeting with a smile that shines has just visit her now. She can't help but to stunned and don't know how to react. How ? This guy infront of her is just too handsome to handle.

She swore that she would kill herself up later on. Hello? Is that all she could say? Like what the heck is wrong with her? She is the type of person who would change personality depending on whom she was talking to but.. to him? It's like Yoona is gone.

"Uhm, I just want to give you some marochino and a cheesecake. It's just a simple welcome coffee for my new neighbor."

He said. He was just too kind and generous for her. He dont need to do that ofcourse but seeing how gentlemen he is now makes her fluttery inside.

"T-Thanks.That's really nice of you"
She said shyly and she can't even look at his eyes.

"What's your name by the way?"
He ask making her a little shock again. Why is he asking? And why is she thinking it means something. Ofcourse he will. It's just that he want to know his new neighbor and that's all. Nothing else means.

"I'm Yoona, Im Yoona"
She greeted as she flushes red and hopes he wouldn't notice.

"Nice to meet you Yoona. I'm Luhan by the way. Uhm, If you need help i'm ok with that"

She ask again. Help in what? Why would he offer his hand for help.

"Uhm, you know, to unpack your things or moving them. It is a lot of work you know"
Oh, so that what he means help. Well she wouldn't need at all. She just finished cleaning.

"Oh, I just finished t. But thank you for your offer Luhan"
Did she just said that? She mentioned his name and it feels a little weird for her.

"You're welcome. Uhm so I'll leave now"

"Uhm ok. Thank you for this coffee again"
As a response, he gave her a smile making her flushed again. Why? Why is she feeling things like this?

After Luhan visited, she couldn't stop thinking about him. Is she having a crush with him? But she just met him and she can't feel things like it. No, not for her. She took a sip at her coffee and she was taken aback with it. It was so good that she took another sip and then another until it's all out. Did he made it? Cause he gave her a cup that is usually the cup for everyday use. Maybe it's his cup. So he made it? How on earth did he? It looks like somewhat made in a coffee shop. Yoona stood up her couch and get some fork to eat the cheesecake. Well it taste like the ordinary ones. Just the coffee. It doesnt taste like instant coffee that can be bought everywhere. She really is feeling good now in her new house with her new neighbor.

The next day, it was the day that she will go to school. As a college student, she wont be needing uniforms anymore so she pick her most comfortable clothes. As she was about to go out, she realize that Luhan was also getting up the stairs. As an anxious girl that is too afraid to face a guy that gives her butterflies, she moved up again and take the fire exit instead. Peeking in that door, she noticed his uniform. He was wearing white collared sleeves with the logo of starbucks. So that's why the coffee taste so good. Well it's nice to know that her neighbor is a barista. After awhile, she heard a door closed and saw Luhan heading back downstairs. Maybe he is returning to his shift. Looking down there, Yoona saw Luhan rode a motorcycle to go back.

Yoona was in her classroom and waiting for her professor for her first subject. Anatomy 102. She just seated at the back as she wants to set herself aside with all her classmates that seems to have groups already. She really wished Tiffany was in the medical school like her but unluckily, Tiffany chose to enter Art school as she wants to become an idol. Well what a first day for her then. But not until someone sat beside her. It was a pretty girl with a short hair that reminds her of Tiffany.

"Uhm, is this seat taken?"
She asked cutely. What an adorable girl she thought. Well it's a chance to be make some friends now.

"No, it's not taken"
Yoona said smiling.

She said as she sat beside her.

"I'm Hayoung by the way"
She introduced heself making Yoona happy. So it is really an opportunity for her this time.

"I'm Yoona. nice to meet you"

"Hope we'll get along Yoona. I'm new here in Seoul"
She felt like this girl really meant for her to meet. Both of them are not from Seoul so maybe she could be the friend she is looking for.

"Me too! I'm from Busan"
She introduced herself and Hayoung just gave her a warm smile as their professor enters their room. What a perfect start of her school life. She met a friend, a good neighbor but one things missing. A part time job. Well college is costly. She can't just depend on her mom and dad to support her needs. She have to atleast help them sustain it. Entering a job is the perfect thing to do.

That night, Tiffany was heading home. She usually have her service to go home but this day, she wants to go home by herself. But before heading home, she thought of visiting her bestfriend Yoona. So she bought a grilled cheese sandwitch and a soda for both of them. Well she thought of spending the night at her place for tonight so she bought herself a pajamas. Well it's her first day in Seoul and she can't be in the picture. On her way to Yoona's apartment building, a guy bumped her causing her things to drop.

"What the. Yah! look where you're-"
A little moment, she stop. She even forgot that she's mad because the food that she bought for her and Yoona had just put to waste now.

"Sorry miss. Sorry I was just in a hurry. My friend is waiting for me"
He pleaded and grab all the things she drops and gave it to her

"Uhm I guess I need to replace your grilled cheese then. Can you wait for it miss? I will be back"
He said and headed back to his motorcycle to get some grilled cheese as a replacement. Just then, Tiffany went back to herself. What was that? She frozed as he face her. Then why did he took the effort to replace it? He don't have to actually cause she was ok as he apologized. But why did he? Is he not in a hurry? Tiffany doesnt have a choice but to wait for him to come back. After just for 3 minutes, he came back with a bag of grilled cheese.

"Here. Sorry again miss"
He said as he gave the bag of grilled cheese making Tiffany stunned and then again, frozed and cant even speak a word.

"U-uhm, it's ok"
She said as he headed back to where he is going. She realized that he was heading in the apartment of Yoona. Is he from there? If yes, then she would have the chance to meet him again. Thinking of that thought makes her really excited and happy. What is she feeling right now? Is she by chance.. inlove?

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