Chapter 4

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Author's POV

Monday morning, 6:14am, Yoona is cooking her meal for her lunch and snack for later. If she were in Busan, everything is being prepared by her mother. But since it is all up to her, she have to rely to herself. Atleast she is proud that even though that she is not that expert in good housekeeping, her apartment is all clean. When everything is done and she is ready to wear her shoes, someone knock on her door. Early in the morning? Who could it be.

She went to the door and opened it revealing Luhan with his usual smile.

"Uhm, I'm returning your plate by the way. Thanks for the meat. We really like it"

Yoona smiled. So he like her cooking- but wait. Did he just say 'we'???


She ask. Does he have anyone in his apartment?

"Oh, Sehun and I. But Sehun really ate the most. I guess he like your cooking"

So it was Sehun. She thought Sehun is the type of a person who is picky but she was wrong. He was just also like the other people. He just have attitude cause he is still too young.

"So then, I'll be going now"

But just before Luhan could go, Yoona called him.

"Luhan-oppa wait"

Just by that 'oppa', Luhan slightly blushed when he shouldn't be because it is just an honorific way to call older men for girls. He went back to composure and smiled

"I told you, Luhan is enough"

"Oh, right.. I forgot.. I just want to ask if where are you working at?"
Yoona thought of asking because she was thinking of bringing Tiffany there at lunch. She is sure enough that Tiffany would be happy. But is she as well?

"That, it's located downtown near the subway station. Why? Are you going to pay a visit?"

"Sort of. I was just curious where could you be working at"

"I'll be happy to see you there then. I'll be going now alright? See you Yoona-ssi"

Luhan said as he bid goodbye. Luhan's words struck Yoona so much. But ofcourse Yoona can't just fell on that words. She just can't let this infatuation grow, now that Tiffany likes him too. Yoona then went back inside to get her things and go.

As she was taking the stairs, she saw Sehun going down the stairs too. She keep up with him and greet him goodmorning. But as Sehun, he just respond with a stare. Really, so cold and emotionless again.

"Why can't you just smile. It wont cost you anything"

Yoona said but then again, Sehun kept himself silent. But not until Yoona brought up such topic

"I heard you like the meat last night"

Then that caught Sehun. He look at her with his left eyebrow raised.

"Say what?"

"Uhm, Luhan told me you like the meat I gave-"

"And you believed it? For your information, your meat is so salty Luhan can't take a bite and so I did it for him"

He said making excuses.

"Then you really ate it. If it really is salty then you wouldn't as well took a bite. Right?"

She said giving Sehun a winning smile and left which made him irritated and dumbfounded. She's right. What a lame excuse he just told her. He could just told her that he threw it away but eating it all? Stupid.

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