Chapter 20

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Author's POV

Ever since Yoona and Luhan became a couple, both of them always sneak out during the evening just to be with each other. It's not that they are going to do something but just to hang out together since they can't show it to people around them. Usually, they are going on to the rooftop with chips and dip and some coffee made by Luhan. Together, they will just watch the stars, eat and talk together. Yoona is not that awkward by the time passed and seems like she got used to Luhan's sweetness and all.

"You know, when the time comes, I want us to move to China when we get married"

Luhan suddenly brought up while they nibble chips. Yoona was a bit shocked with the word 'married'. She was just on her 20s but Luhan is thinking about settling down. She does want to spend the rest of her life with him but she still not just ready.

"Oh, uhm.. I don't think I'm ready for that"

But instead of being disappointed, Luhan laughed making Yoona a bit confused. Why is he laughing? Is there something she said?

"Yoona, I don't mean now. I know you're not yet ready"

"But you said—"

"I said when the time comes. I won't force you ok? "

He said as he held her hand. "I'll wait until you're ready to marry me."

Yoona smiled as she looked at him. She really is thankful that she had a boyfriend that is willing to wait for him. Luhan did the same thing. He smiled as he leans towards her. Yoona just let him lean and then kiss her. It was just a simple kiss full of romance. He let go of the kiss, looked at her eyes and then he found the urge to kiss her again. This time, it was not just a kiss but a passionate one. This is the first time Yoona had a kiss like that and she's glad it's from the guy she loves.

"I'll stop from here"

He said. Yoona was confuse why all of a sudden he stopped kissing her. Luhan just smiled at her making Yoona feel at ease.

"You don't know how to handle me well don't you?" he said.


Luhan gave her a chuckle as Yoona doesn't have any idea.

"You're still innocent with relationships Yoong. I mean, don't let me kiss you that long. I'm a guy you know. It's hard for me to resist you"

He said not looking at her. She knew what he meant by that. Honestly, Yoona herself can't control it as well but she'll just reserve herself when they got married. Yoona held his hand and lean to his shoulder giving him a hint that she understands.

"I love you Luhan"

She uttered, more like a whisper but he heard it. Luhan smiles. He felt that time that he was the luckiest guy on earth.

The next day, Yoona pack her things, put on her shoes and went outside her apartment. Sehun is there, he was talking to Tiffany. The moment Tiffany saw her, she happily greets her goodmorning and happily handed her an envelope, a cute one. It has a wax seal and the scent is so good. There was a 'T@21' written in a beautiful calligraphy. Then it hits her. How come she forgotten about Tiffany's birthday? Stupid.

"Your friend Sehun is invited too"

She said happily and so excited. Yoona, as a very supportive friend ask for the motive of her birthday this year. Every year ever since they became friends, Tiffany always have a grand party with different theme every year. Last year, Tiffany had a gala birthday theme and Yoona borrowed a dress of her unnie that time since she doesn't want to disappoint her bestfriend. Every year, Yoona is preparing a personalized gift only for Tiffany. She gave her a decoupage mirror which took her for about 3 weeks to finish. Now, since she only has less than 2 weeks to prepare something.

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