Chapter 7

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Wolf in Disguise

Author's POV

"I'll help you out with hyung"
Yoona just cannot believe what she is hearing right now. He will what? Help her with Luhan?? But he did told her that he doesn't want her for him right? It's quite confusing to Yoona and so she just gave him a 'huh' expression in her face

"I said I'll help you win his heart"
He said again. Now its more confusing. She does heard the right words. He is gonna help her. But the question is... WHY???

"Help me? But you said-"

"Forget the things I've said. I will help you out"


"Why not? You like him right? I know hyung more than you and so you'll need my help"

"Are you sure????"
She asked still not convinced.

"Yes I will. Just trust me"
Sehun sensed that she's still not convinced. Inside him he felt like giving up and frustrated because Yoona just can't be convince. But then he figured out what's missing.. A smile

As he showed his smile, the raised eyebrow and the confused expression on her disappeared. Now she's convinced. Good for Sehun.

"Why are you being nice, you used to hate me"
Then again, Sehun inhales in frustration. She's still not convinced?! But he get a hold of himself, smiled a little and said..

"I change my mind. I pity you for being such a hopeless. I saw how you really are serious with him and so I decided to help you out"
Even Sehun doesn't know where the hell did he got that words. Yoona smiled of what he have said. Good thing for Sehun.

That night, Yoona had a peace of mind that her problem with Sehun was solved. Not just that, he even offered her help with Luhan. She doesn't know what really made him do that but she is happy with it. Yoona was about to close her eyes when suddenly her phone beap. She reach her phone on the table and it was a text message. A message from Siwan reminding her about their date. Right, she still have something to fix on. A date. What's it look like having one? She never gone to date. Is she going to dress up or just a tee and jeans? She doesn't know what to do now. She then texted Tiffany hoping she know what to do.

'Tiffany-ssi, can you help me? I have a date tomorrow'
She wrote and within seconds, she got a reply

All caps lock. What an idiot she was. Of course she will be shock! She just told her now. Knowing it's Tiffany, she wouldn't let her chinggu with anyone not meeting her standards. Tiffany is like a mother, a strict mother that won't just let her daughter in some guy.
Few minutes later Tiffany arrived with a big bag. She knock and when Yoona opens up she bombard her with questions.

"Who is he?"
"Uhm he's-"

"Is he your classmate?"

"How old is he?"
"Well I-"

"Does he have a work?"
"I don't kn-"

"Can he sustain your needs?"
"Er.... what?"

"Is he a husband material?

Yoona can't even finished her answer because Tiffany just keeps on asking her random questions. She even ask her some things as if Yoona is gonna marry Siwan.

"Tiffany-ssi, it's not like a romantic date alright? It's just a friendly date with my classmate"
She explains as Tiffany is still not satisfied with it

"You see, Siwan sunbae ask me out but just as a friend alright?"

"Yoona-ssi, a date is a date. No matter what you say, for the face of other people, it is a date"
Tiffany said making Yoona a little uneasy with the fact of her going out with Siwan

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