Chapter 15

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Author's POV

"I never knew you had a girlfriend"

"shut up"

"Boy, you have a good taste. Hayoung is so pretty"

"shut up"

"But why did you let her go? I mean, why did you two broke up?"

"I said shut up!"

Sehun yelled as he had enough of being questioned regarding his past relationship with Hayoung. Yoona kept on teasing the poor guy as they walk towards their apartment. Yoona just laugh at his face as he was blushing when she ask about Hayoung. Sehun's coldness is basically don't work to Yoona because she saw his weakness. Teasing him now makes her feel like she can control him... sort of.

"Ugh! You made me forget about what I am about to tell you"

"Well, maybe you want to tell me about Hayoung"

"Psh.. Forget it then"

He said walking out from her. He just can't stand being teased by someone especially a girl. Sehun went inside the apartment building first and Yoona just keep up from behind. But when Yoona was about to reach the 7th floor, Sehun suddenly went back to her and held her hand.

"Wait, uhm where are we going?"

She ask he dragging her to go down with him but Yoona didn't let him as she was confuse why on earth he is dragging her that moment. Sehun just insisted and didn't say a word.

"Just follow me you chicken feet"

But Yoona get her hand back as she also insisted to tell her why. Sehun saw the shadows coming their way as he don't have any choice but to held her hand again as he push her towards him and embrace her. He let her head on his left side for her not to see who was about to come out. Sehun caress her hair as Yoona was confuse and ask him but Sehun just hug her tighter and mumble the words;

"play along"

Yoona may be confuse but she just didn't move and play along with whatever Sehun is doing. He saw that the shadow went back upstairs and he let go with the hug.

"Serves him right"

"What was that for? I need an explanation"

"I will, but not today"

He said as he walk upstairs making Yoona dumbfounded. So that's it? He just embraced her for nothing is that what it is? She walk with him and Sehun just went first on his room and so is Yoona. When she was about to open her door, she noticed, it was not locked and so she wondered why. She open her door to see Tiffany there playing with her phone on her small couch.

"Tiffany, you didn't went home?"

She said as she put off her shoes and walk towards Tiffany

"Oh, goodevening Yoona! Uhm, yeah cause dad still wants to let me attend the marriage contract. Am I a bothersome?"

"No of course not. You can stay as long as you want-"

Before Yoona could finish what she is saying, Tiffany hugged her.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Yeah. I just love you so much Yoona that I don't deserve you"

Yoona chuckles as she let go with her hug.

"Were best friends silly, that's what we do"

"How's school?"

"Still the same"

She said as she put her bag inside her room and then went back to where Tiffany is. Tiffany seems to be a little silent that moment making Yoona think there must be something happened.

"Are you really ok Tiffany?"

Tiffany gave her a sigh as she look at her friend.

"Well, I think.. I think Luhan likes me"

Yoona gave her an awkward chuckle before answering Tiffany's question or more over a guess.

"How, I mean what made you think he is?"

"You wouldn't believe this but"

Yoona wait for her answer as she was being nervous. Is this because Luhan dumped her before? Because he likes her friend Tiffany?

"He kiss me"

Yoona fake a smile. She embraced her friend as she don't want to see her shattered into pieces. She was broken inside but she have to be happy for her friend. Tiffany was already crying as she was telling the good news to her friend.

"I'm so happy for you Tiffany"

"Y-You, you do?"

She said she tighten the hug to Yoona. She's happy seeing that her friend is happy for her and she have the support from her.

"Of course I do. I'm going to do all what makes you happy Tiffany"

"Thank you Yoona-ssi. I really don't deserve your kindness"

She said as she sobs. Yoona wipe her tears out as she endures the feeling in her heart. She really does lose this time. Deep inside her thoughts, she is glad that it was Tiffany Luhan is in love with and not some other girl.


She said making her friend smile.

Meanwhile, Sehun and Luhan are having dinner while watching soccer game. Luhan and Sehun is not talking to each other as they are focusing on the game. Later on, Sehun put down his bowl of rice as he started the talking.

"Since when?"

Luhan stop himself from eating and look to his friend who is not even looking at him and still on focus to the tv.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you awhile ago"

Luhan's innocent face become serious because of what Sehun is asking.

"What that supposed to do with you? Should I not do it?"


"It's just a kiss Sehun. It won't kill anyone"

Sehun conclude he really does mean that kiss he had with Tiffany. Sehun's inner anger is forcing to come out as he kept his cool. He didn't want another misunderstanding to happen between the two of them just because of a girl.

"I thought you don't like Korean girls"

But Luhan just gave him a smile and answer him with another question.

"How about you? How long have you two been dating?"


Sehun gave him a confuse look and doesn't have an idea what he was talking about. But then he remembered, Luhan saw him as well awhile ago. Should he lie? He thought of that as he want to see how would he react.

"Oh, her. What if we were? Would you like her for me?"

"You kid. You really are into noonas"

Luhan chuckles. It was not enough. Sehun is not satisfied with his answer.

"Why? You jealous?"

That words directly hit Luhan. He stop from laughing as he look at him seriously. Luhan thought that he might be at it again.

"Why are you asking me like that?"

"Then why can't you answer it?"

Luhan again was caught by the intriguing questions of Sehun. He looked at the tv as he don't want to talk about it again. He had enough of that topic already.

"You two are dating now. Don't push her away to me"

"Listen, you can lie to anyone else but me"

Sehun said as he stand up and take his way out of Luhan's room. Luhan just close his eyes as he rested his head on the couch. Confusion run all over his mind that moment. Even his food are getting cold as he think of the things happened that day.

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