Chapter 3

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He's Old

Author's POV

It was Saturday and it means, it's time for her to wash her clothes and clean her room. She was somewhat planning something else today, like finding a job but she just can't leave her dirty clothes lying around her small room.

As she finish her laundry, she ask herself where could she hang her clothes to dry. She doesn't have any balcony, so she check the rooftop of the building. Luckily, the apartment building has. She saw an old lady who is also, at that time hanging some clothes.

"Annyeong! Uhm, I was wondering if I also can hang these?"

She politely ask. Well it's not so nice to just hang her clothes there as if no one is around. She just got there. She can't make an attitude. The woman just gave her a kind smile and a nod

"Uhm, you must be the new tenant"

The woman told her without looking at her and just focusing on what she is doing


"You seems so comfortable now. Have you made friends already?"

She said as she look at her. The woman seems so nice. Just like her mom, so she doesn't feel uneasy talking to her

"Uhm, sort of. I kind of making adjustments tho"

"You'll be use to this place dear don't worry"

She told her and get back on hanging clothes.

"What floor are you in by the way"

She once again ask her

"At the 7th floor"

"Oh, really?? Of all the floors why the 7th one"

She said and look at her. Yoona was a bit worried. Why is she reacted like that? What's with the 7th floor

"Waeyo? Is there something wrong there?"

She ask due to her curiosity.

"Well, most of the tenants there are not so nice. Some of them are senior high students who seems to be a trouble maker. They always bring their classmates around and that makes the people living there disturb"

High schoolers. So that's why. Well she was thinking of something scary cause she's the type who hates ghost and stuff.

"Well, they haven't disturb me at all. In fact, there's one neighbor of mine who seems so nice"

Well she is thinking of course of Luhan. She would cause he's the only one out of her neighbors who approach her by the time she came in.

"Ahhh, the chinese guy"

"You know him?"

She asked. Why can't she. She have been there for just a couple of days and she doesn't know anything about him yet. She haven't even hang her clothes because of the company she is having with the lady.

"Yes. He had been living here for quite long now. He migrated here in Seoul hoping for a stable job. I guess he did. Working in an expensive coffee shop can already help his family there in China. From the stories about him that I've heard, he haven't come home for a long time because he work so hard here and cannot afford to come home because it will cost him too much. So instead of buying ticket to China, he would rather just send the money to his family"

So that's his story. She didn't even thought that him being a bread winner. She thought he is just someone who is living for himself. How could he live without his family on his side. Don't he miss them? How many holidays he celebrated alone. She thought

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