Chapter 18

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Home Visitation Part 2

Author's POV

"how's school?"

Yoona's sister, Jessica asked while cutting her nails. She is one year older than her but she is not schooling like Yoona as she is already married with a guy in a band. Yoona and Jessica are in the kitchen in their house. Yoona is cooking while Jessica is busy with her nails.

"how's life with Kris oppa?"

she asked back instead of answering her question. Jessica may be a bit of a lazy and happy-go-lucky type of a person but among others in their family, Jessica cares the most for her one and only sister.

"What kind of a person answering a question with a question huh?"

She said as she crossed her arms and legs facing her sister. Yoona chuckles as she offered her a cup of soup she is cooking

"I'm kidding alright? School is fine. Nothing to worry about my grades or something. I got it, now here's your favorite mushroom soup"

"Good. Cause I want a doctor in the family already"

She said taking a sip of the soup.

"By the way, are you going to the market later?"

"I guess so. You want me to buy you something?"

"Ah yes. I need another moisturizer, I already used the last one I have"

"Alright then"

She said as she left and went upstairs to change. It's still raining outside and she can't wear her usual clothes as she will be walking on a dirt road or moreover, a muddy road since it might have turned into mud now. She then just wore something fit for rainy days but most importantly, rainboots. Although it's not really raining cats and dogs that time, just heavy enough to create a lot of muddy puddles. On her way to the market, she saw a familiar figure coming right her way. He was still far but she distinguished a familiar jacket, it's Luhans. She wave but then suddenly she noticed it wasn't Luhan but Sehun.

"Chicken feet?"

"Oh, you. I thought it was-"

"-Luhan, I know. I kinda borrow his stuff so maybe you've mistaken me to be him"

Yoona let a little chuckle and then ask something off the topic.

"What are you doing outside? It's raining"

"What do you expect me to do? Ofcourse I have to run errands too you know"

"errands?" Yoona said making it sound like he's not the guy who run errands

"Shut up chicken feet"

He said as he walked pass her. Yoona just smirk seeing this side of Sehun. She walked with him and kept on talking but Sehun being the guy to talk less didn't much care about what she's saying. Why wouldn't he, Yoona keeps on asking about Luhan, how they become friends and so.

"I guess this will be my stop"

He said as he went to a somewhat pharmacy.

"Oh, I see. I'll be going then"

"Sure. Now go now"

He said with his usual commanding voice

"Take care then"

She said as she went straight. It took her for a while in the market as she can't find the exact brand of moisturizer her sister wants. But then after a half an hour, she found one and to her luck, it is the last one. It is so hard for her to reach the market under the rain but now it made it harder though the rain is gone. Muddy road, and not to mention, those puddles around. She wore boots anyway so she didn't bother. On her way, she walk pass the pharmacy Sehun had gone to a while ago. She took a quick peek and Sehun is not there anymore. She just continue walking until she reach their house.

"I'm home-"


Says Jessica by the time Yoona is entering their house. Startled and confuse, she ask about the sudden fuzz.

"Wait, what are you shouting about? I already bought your moisturizer-"

Yoona was cut off by the guy sitting in their living area talking with her mom and now looking at her and Jessica.


"Right, we know him, but... how dare you not to tell us about your boyfriend huh??"

Jessica said being the over acting/ over protective sister to Yoona. Yoona calm her down as she introduced Luhan properly to them. She told them about how they became a couple and things about him like he works in a café , he's Chinese and so on.

"sounds husband-material enough to me"

Commented Jessica making both Yoona and Luhan blushed.

"Aish! This kid!"

Says their mother with a poke on the head.

"Way to embarrassed them huh? Didn't you hear? They just became a couple"

Yoona saw how Luhan shyly smiled and look at her as well. After that, Jessica and Yoona both prepared a meal for them as their mother is talking with him. Yoona can't help it so she keeps on looking to both of them. This is the first time she introduced someone to her family, someone masculine, has a deep voice, short-haired, and has a male gender... in other words, a guy.

"Yah, quit looking at them. It's not like mom would eat him"

Jessica scold making Yoona stop looking and continue cooking.

"I'm just not use to this unnie. It's my first time having a boyfriend and-"

"I know, I understand that. Your situation is nothing compared to what I did before"

She cuts her sister as she compares herself to her. Jessica is the rebel type of daughter who slept with a guy she just met and went home. She told her parents about it and earned a great slap from their mother. What they did is they contact that guy and told him to marry Jessica as their parents are worried that she might get pregnant with that one-night stand. Eventually, Kris Wu, the guy who slept with Jessica showed up and told them how much he loves Jessica and it's not true that they just met. He already knew their daughter thanks to some of his friends. He agreed to marry Jessica and then there it was.

"Unnie, I don't count that as a bad thing. As long as you're happy, I'm happy"

"That's why I love you so much"

She said pinching Yoona's cheeks.

"By the way, there's a guy awhile ago I just don't remember the name but she left you something. I put it on your table. He said he's your neighbor back to Seoul"

Neighbor? She meant Sehun? Yoona thought

"What did he gave you?"

"Some medicine. He said you told him to give it to you"

She did not ask anymore and just nod. She thought, maybe he's just going to give her some stuff or something. After they cooked a meal, they all ate lunch together and ask more to Luhan. Luhan then politely entertain those questions even if it embarrassed him a bit like the question of Jessica on how Yoona answered him yes. As a good guy, Luhan told them about it honestly making Jessica shrieked and Yoona blushed as she secretly pinched his knee.

Luhan had a great time visiting Yoona and her family. He even gave them a jar of an instant coffee he made. Yoona accompany him until he reach the bus stop. Luhan then bid goodbye to Yoona as she gave him a peck on his cheeks making him a little startle. He even complain why she kissed him on the cheeks when she can just do it on his lips. Yoona just told him she would if he haven't been so honest to her family.

She went back to their house and rested her tired body to her bed. Then later on, she remembered the thing Jessica told her. She looked at her table and there's the small paper bag Sehun might gave to her sister. She sat down and opened it. It was a perfume. Why would he give her perfume? She sprayed a bit on her wrist and it smells so good. A note then slip out the paper bag and she took it.

Put this on. Luhan likes that smell for a lady


Then Yoona felt like a guilt had formed inside her. Sehun still has not idea that she and Luhan is already a couple. How is she going to tell him? But she have to trust Luhan that it must come from him and not her. 

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