Chapter 25

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Unexpected Visit

Author's POV

After that incident about Sehun's dad, Yoona became more curious about him. Why does he hate him so much? But when the first time she saw Mr. Oh, he looks somewhat worried while looking at Sehun's door. Was he really a bad guy that Sehun hated him that much? She doesn't have an idea why. But still, he is his father no matter how bad he is.


She said. It was a hot Sunday morning and she was about to hang her clothes when she saw someone sitting on the edge of the rooftop with a soft drink behind him. He looks at her with an expressionless face.

"Am I disturbing?"

She said and Sehun just wave his hand indicating that it's ok. She looked at him as she hung her clothes. He was relaxed and seems to be thinking so many things. She finished hanging her clothes and ready to go when she stops herself and sat beside him.

"Who told you you can join me?"

He said as he raised his left eyebrow looking at her. Yoona just looked at the scenery of the busy city and relaxed herself just like Sehun.

"Huh... Weirdo"

He said as he just let her sit there as he was too busy to deal with a stubborn lady.

"Are you still mad?"

Yoona asked. Sehun answered her with another question.

"Are you worried?"


She answered straight. Sehun didn't expect that.

"I'm not mad. I'm just too disappointed because my friends lied to me. You can just tell me about you and Luhan. I won't mind that"

"So, you like me for you hyung? I thought you're picky when it comes to Luhan"

"I'm not. Hyung told me he was ought to marry a Chinese sooner or later so he can't date girls while he's working"

He said as he looks at her.

"Now, I agreed about you liking him because I saw that you're not like the other girls who went head over heels about hyung. You're one stubborn and persistent one Yoona. That's why I was disappointed when you lied"

"I'm sorry"

She said but Sehun gave her the the thing she wishes to see. His smile.

"You're forgiven. But you owe me more pudding"

Yoona chuckle as she nod at her pudding lover friend.

That night, Sehun was watching tv in Yoona's apartment. He told Yoona he was too lazy to cook meals for himself and so she doubled the chicken meal she was preparing for herself. Later on they heard a knock on the door. Sehun was the one who opened it and he saw Tiffany. She was smiling but it fades as she saw Sehun and not Yoona.

"You? What are you doing in my friend's apartment??"

She said with a commanding tone.

"What? I'm a friend of Yoona and I'm going to eat here"

"Eat?! You're going to eat my Yoona?!"

"What?! Ew no!"


She yelled and Yoona went to see her. Tiffany looked at her as she was pointing Sehun beside her. Yoona nods as a sign that it was ok.

"But, why him? Why not invite me?"

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