Chapter 19

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Author's POV

"I like your smell"

Luhan told her Monday morning as she was about to go to school. Ofcourse she still can't be seen with him as Tiffany will be around to get her. Both of them agreed to keep their relationship a secret with their friends as they will but they were just looking for the right time to tell.

"really? I thought that maybe wearing different perfume than my usual"

She replied lying about the fact that Sehun gave it to her.

"I could kiss you right now"

Luhan whispered causing Yoona to feel so shy, and red. She's not used to Luhan's sweetness. It is just normal though because they are an item but she just can't take it.


Both of them heard someone about to come from the stairs. Luhan then went straight ahead of her so that whoever it is wont be able to suspect them. Luhan casually went down the stairs but stole a glance at his girlfriend to wink causing her to flushed.

"Oh, hi Luhan!"

He almost slip going down when he saw Tiffany going up. She smiles and he smile back. On his usual self, he will greet her back but now that he knew Tiffany has some feelings for him, he lessen the 'friendly' side of him. It's dangerous to act friendly to her now that she might get the wrong idea. After he smiles back, he went down fast as he could and didn't bother to look back making Tiffany a little disappointed.

Back to the 7th floor, Yoona is still thinking of the way Luhan behaves. He was showing his affection to her that much. She's feeling a little awkward and she hates it. But she loves that guy. The guy who made her womanhood complete. She loves everything about him. His scent, his personality and all. She took a glance outside to see him wear his helmet, ride his motorcycle and go.

"Still the hopeless girl I see"

Someone said making her a little startle. It's Sehun and he was about to go to school with his usual messed up uniform.

"I'm not hopeless"

She said. 'If only you knew'. She thought. Sehun still doesn't have an idea about them. Maybe she should tell him? But she already decided that Luhan should do it but she is feeling this guilt inside her.

"I see you already are wearing it"

Sehun said as he go. Yoona didn't get it at first but then she realize that it was the perfume he is referring to.

"Oh, about that I-"

"It suits you"

He said as he wave his hand goodbye without even looking back. Later on, Tiffany reached the 7th floor and grab her as they both are late now.

"To convert this, use the formula blah blah blah.."

All Sehun was hearing is coming in the right ear and out his left ear. Every day in school was a torture to him. If he didn't promise to Luhan that he'll finish high school and reach college, he might be hanging out with his out of school youth friends right now. The only thing that excites him is that there will be a student assembly after lunch which gave him an idea to go to Yoona's university. He was hungry and he thought of visiting her to treat him in exchange of the perfume he gave her.

"dude, get this"

A note folded into two is passed to him with the words 'Sehun' written outside of it. He opened and it says there that his gang already planned to go to Junyoung, one of his friends to drink. He replied there 'pass', as he already had plans. When he passed it back to them, they were like 'WTF' expression on their faces. Sehun, the one who start a drinking session is now declining an offer. Not so Sehun they thought. But it didn't really matter since they knew Sehun too well. He has a side of being an introvert.

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