Chapter 26

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Author's POV

When they reached the room of Yoona, Sehun told Yoona to wait for him there. Yoona is still crying and felt so betrayed. So is that it? Is that so easy? Luhan gave it all up for a girl he loved first?


Sehun said as soon as he came back. He gave her a large container of an ice cream. He has his laptop with him.

"Let's watch a movie to atleast calm you down"

He said smiling. Yoona's eyes is already puffy and red and she thought she might not stop crying for the rest of the night. She can't stop thinking about him.

"Aish.. Sit!"

He said as he gets some glass and he chose a movie in his laptop.

"What do you want to watch?"

He asked

"Second chance? First love?"

Sehun rolled his eyes and he just chose what he thinks is better.

"What are going to watched?"

She asked with her voice cracked due to crying.

"another scoop?" Sehun told Yoona while they are in the couch watching horror movies. Yoona was crying a river and so to calm her down, Sehun, her bestfriend is cheering her up by watching horror movies and some ice cream. He thought by scaring her she might forgot about her boyfriend dumping her. But it was no use. She still is crying although they are in the middle of the movie with all the ghost and monsters appear.

"I pity the character" she simply said. Sehun was confuse. Pity?

"Huh?" he replied with his eyebrow raised.

"He abandoned his daughter in a house and now the child is having a revenge just because she need her dad. I pity them both" she said with a tear coming out her eyes.

Sehun pity her. If only he can go to the past, wherein Yoona is still developing those feelings toward his hyung, Luhan. But if he does that, they might not be bestfriend just like what they are right now.

"You really does love hyung huh?"

Sehun asked. Yoona's eyes never left the movie.

"I do"

She said straight.

"How about now? Do you still like him?"

Yoona paused. When she looked at him before he goes is like he was really, really disappointed.

"I still do"


"Because I love him"

Yoona said looking at him now. Tears, once again is coming out her eyes.

"You need explanation Sehun. I like Luhan very much and it is all that matters"

"You're blind Im Yoona"

He said not calling her chicken feet or something.

"Your world is spinning around hyung and you don't see other people but him"

"If that is what it looks like then maybe I am"

She said. Sehun cannot believed that Yoona is being so unreasonable.


He said as he closed his laptop to have a quite talk with her.

"Do you know what I told hyung a while ago? I am sure you saw how mad he is provoking him to fight me"

"What did you tell him"

"All. I told him I like you and that I kissed you to the point that I almost lose control"

Yoona's eyes widen as she remembers the night that that happened. So he did remember after all.

"Y-you knew about it?"

She asked slightly being awkward near him.

"I don't remember it actually but then Mr. Lee the guy renting next to my room saw you assisting me going inside my room. He told me about it. It all explains about my bruise and the dream I had about kissing you which actually DID happened"

He said not even taking his eyes off Yoona.

"W-why did you tell him? Then we are never going back again—"

"You'll never going back to him! Hyung is a man of his word. When says it over then it is over!"

He said kind a getting mad.

"I can't believe this Sehun. I-I need to rest. You too, should be going now"

She said as she stood up going to her bedroom. Sehun followed her and grabbed her hand.

"Tell me you are done with him"

He said as he wears his serious face with desperation.

"Sehun let me go"

"Not unless you tell me"

"It's not going to be that easy!"

"Then I'll make it easy"

He said as he pulls her against him and kiss her. This is the second time they kiss and this time, Sehun is not drunk. Yoona was trying to push him and she is not responding to his kisses making him to go rough.


Moments later he pushed her as she banged on her bed and he continue to kiss her holding her both hands to stop her from pushing him. He stops when he felt something wet on her cheeks. She was crying.


Yoona is looking at him with the saddest face he had ever seen. Now he is the one causing her to cry.

"I just... I want you to forget about him. I'm here. Just, give me a chance"

He said as he was about to kiss her again but Yoona speaks.

"then let me go."

He looks at her feeling guilty to what have he done.

"I'm sorry Sehun but, I can't answer your feelings"

She said crying. Sehun stood up as he was like stricken by a lightning.

"Just go and leave me alone"

She said in a husky and cracked voice. She was tired, confuse and heart-broken. She can't deal with him and his feelings as she was just gone in being dumped by the guy she loves.

"If that's what you want"

He said and that's the last word he said before he left the room going outside.

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