Chapter 13

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For Him

Author's POV

"Yah stop eating those!"

Yoona scolded as Sehun keeps on eating the chocolate pudding Yoona is making for Luhan. It was Monday night and she supposed to be reviewing her notes but there she is, in Sehun's apartment making some pudding.

"I can eat this if I want chicken feet. Whose kitchen are you cooking at huh?"

He answered as he took another cup of pudding and went to his living room. Yoona's doesn't have much cooking tools so she ask Sehun if he have some and luckily, he had. Sehun agreed to let her use his kitchen in return, he'll have a 50% of what he'll give to Luhan. Yoona doesn't have any choice but to let him eat. But when she finished cooking, Sehun keeps on eating and she should have 5 cups for Luhan and 5 cups to the brat that is helping her but Sehun consume all his pudding and he took the 2 cups of Luhan's pudding.

"Aish.. You ate yours already"


He replied. Yoona just rolled her eyes because of his attitude. Pudding is just one of those food she'll give to Luhan. She also plan to give him blueberry cheesecake as well. But since both of them doesn't have any oven, she decided to make an icebox cake which she would not bake it anymore. It took her 25 minutes until such time that she's almost done with her blueberry cheesecake. When she was spreading the blueberries on top, Sehun suddenly showed up watching her do it.

"I'll take a half of that"

"That one's yours"

She simply said pointing at the smaller container on the side while still spreading the blueberries at Luhan's cheesecake. When Sehun sees his blueberry cheesecake, he whines and complains about how small his cake is compare to Luhans.

"But I put a lot of cream cheese there and extra blueberries"

She reason out. But Sehun is way too hard headed and a spoiled brat and so he get some permanent pen and stole the container of Luhan and wrote his name on it,


"YAH! That's for Luhan!"

But Sehun didn't want to give the big container and he gave the small one to Yoona. Yoona kept on reaching the big one that Sehun have. Later on, Yoona gave up and just get the small one.

"You brat"

After Yoona cooks, she went back to her apartment as she prepares herself when Luhan returns from work. Later on, somone knocks on her door. She thought it would be just Sehun who would ask for another cup of her pudding. She opens it revealing Tiffany.


"Can I stay?"

She ask with her eyes red and she knew she might had a fight with her dad again. She didn't ask anymore and let her enter her room. Tiffany's dad would always ask her to do things she would not want to. Like the time her dad ask her to take a business course in college and the time that she was force to travel to California just to meet her future firm to work at when she reach the right age. She wondered what it is it about now.

"Here, have some tea"

She offered Tiffany to calm her down. Tiffany still is crying and can't even say a word but when Yoona sat beside her, she told her all about it.

"Dad is forcing me to attend a marriage interview"

Yoona's eyes widen with what she have said. Marriage interview. Her dad actually let her do that. But she's still schooling and it was too early for such thing.

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